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Blood tracking dog seminar


New Member
I know we had a very good discussion on tracking dogs a while back. I am sorry the legislation did not get passed. There are still some very dedicated hunters working trying to get the DNR to open up and consider it. Right now there is a pettion going around that ask the dnr to make the policy changes to allow tracking dogs that they promised when the legislation failed. Look for it maybe deersniffer will get on here and post it.

In the mean time anyone interested in learning more and willing to travel some might be interested in United Blood Trackers "Trackfest"


Here are soem of the details.
sponsored by
United Blood Trackers
May 15-17, 2010
Marshall, Michigan
The United Blood Trackers is holding a three day Blood Tracking Workshop on May 15-17, 2010 near Marshall, Michigan. This workshop is for both beginner and advanced dogs and handlers
as well as anyone else just interested in finding out more about the use of tracking dogs for the recovery of wounded deer and bear. There will be plenty of hands-on training in the field for dogs and handlers as well as presentations on topics such as Training Techniques, Working with Puppies and Adolescents, Equipment
Choices, GPS Use, and Working with Hunters. The workshop instructors will be UBT Judges:
John Jeanneney (NY), Larry Gohlke (WI), Andy
Bensing (PA), Cheri Faust (WI), and Al Wade
The United Blood Trackers will offer evaluations for UBT-I and UBT-II on Monday. All evaluations will be done on leash. Please check www.unitedbloodtrackers.org for more information
about evaluation requirements. If you would like to enter a dog for UBT-I or UBT-II, pre-registration is required.
Saturday 5/15/2010
8:00 AM Registration begins
9:00 AM Introductions / Welcome
Morning Programming
Lectures and Field work
1:00 PM Lunch
Afternoon Programming
Lectures and Field work
6:00 PM End of Day
7:00 PM Dinner
Sunday 5/16/2010
8:00 AM Morning Programming
Lectures and Field work
12:00 noon Lunch
Afternoon Programming
Lectures and Field work
6:00 PM End of Day
7:00 PM Dinner
Monday 5/17/2010
8:00 AM UBT-I and UBT-II Evaluations
*This schedule is subject to change as time and
the needs of the participants may dictate.
For information call John Jeanneney
518-872-1779 or e-mail him at

For full details go to
Just a reminder this is coming up in a little more than a month. UBT currenlty has about 15 handlers signed up that are bringing their dogs and a few more that will be there just to watch and learn. So if you are thinking about coming you need to sign up as they have a limited number of slots for dogs.

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