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Bobcat and Wolf Kill photos

Crimson Arrows

Well-Known Member
I took these photos out of my buddies album on a recent hunting trip. They were taken with a regular camera, one on the highway and one from a helicopter.

To anybody who thinks hunters are cruel, they should look these over and realize that mother nature can indeed be less than kind.....

To those who think bobcats can't kill deer....




Your next .....

Moose Kill Scene.....




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Those are some great photos! Amazing to see what predators are capable of. I hate those damn wolves! I saw a tee shirt in the UP of Michigan that said " get addicted to U.P wolves, smoke a pack a day" Isn't that the truth.
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That's not a bobcat. It's a Lynx. They are bigger. Since that is a blacktail deer, I'm assuming these pictures come from way up North.
I was thinking it was a Lynx as well, but I didn't want to start an argument. They are substantially larger than a bobcat. :way:
I actually like all predators if they are kept at reasonable levels. On my land I know hawks, bobcats, fox and coyote eat some of the game animals. They have to hunt to survive and were created as hunters and predators. In reality, I don't have to kill those game animals to survive. I have a lot of respect for em and I think they are truly cool creatures, even some of the un-popular ones like coyotes. Those are some cool photos above, wow!
I actually like all predators if they are kept at reasonable levels. On my land I know hawks, bobcats, fox and coyote eat some of the game animals. They have to hunt to survive and were created as hunters and predators. In reality, I don't have to kill those game animals to survive. I have a lot of respect for em and I think they are truly cool creatures, even some of the un-popular ones like coyotes. Those are some cool photos above, wow!

Make that X2 :way::way::way:
Ive seen the moose pics before, I think they came from Isle Royal. Once when I was in a tree stand during rifle season in northern Minnesota, I heard a pack of wolves pull down a moose calf. It happened about 100 yards of me but I couldnt see any of it happening. It didnt last long but it sure was noisey while it was happening. I'll never forget the sounds that calf made while being torn apart. This was about 8:00 am, and by late afternoon I decided to take a look. By 3:00 pm the wolves were all gone and the calf was completely consumed, all being left was some hair, two leg bones, the skull (whick was remarkably clean), and part of the backbone. Nature isnt for the faint of heart.
People that deem hunting cruel need to see stuff like this for sure.

Lynx are quite likely the most beautiful animal I've ever seen live and big indeed they are. One strolled across my yard one winter day and it was as tall as my yellow lab,...just beautiful.

I hate those damn wolves! I saw a tee shirt in the UP of Michigan that said " get addicted to U.P wolves, smoke a pack a day" Isn't that the truth.

I feel blessed to live in a part of the world where each day I am given the opportunity to possibly lay eyes on yet another one of nature's most beautiful creatures. I see some every yr and feel blessed for the sightings.
I actually like all predators if they are kept at reasonable levels. On my land I know hawks, bobcats, fox and coyote eat some of the game animals. They have to hunt to survive and were created as hunters and predators. In reality, I don't have to kill those game animals to survive. I have a lot of respect for em and I think they are truly cool creatures, even some of the un-popular ones like coyotes. Those are some cool photos above, wow!

X3, with Shovel!

And I agree with Sask, too!
People that deem hunting cruel need to see stuff like this for sure.

Lynx are quite likely the most beautiful animal I've ever seen live and big indeed they are. One strolled across my yard one winter day and it was as tall as my yellow lab,...just beautiful.

I feel blessed to live in a part of the world where each day I am given the opportunity to possibly lay eyes on yet another one of nature's most beautiful creatures. I see some every yr and feel blessed for the sightings.

I agree that they are a beautiful animal and a damn efficient predator. Canada also regulates their population and does a much better job of managing them then we do. Most parts of the United states cannot sustain a large population of wolves and if we do not start to regulate them to some extent they may single handedly wipe out our elk population. I am all for having them in parts of the United States but like the guy on the Dos Equis commercial sais, "only in moderation"

I think we could learn a few things from you guys to the north! :way:
Although I agree with those that said this is a lynx and not a bobcat, I did hear a story this fall where a bow hunter witnessed a bobcat take down a small doe. Although I heard it third hand, I know the person that the story was told to and he is a reliable person, so I think this is likely a solid story and not a "friend of a friend or a friend" deal.
I actually like all predators if they are kept at reasonable levels. On my land I know hawks, bobcats, fox and coyote eat some of the game animals. They have to hunt to survive and were created as hunters and predators. In reality, I don't have to kill those game animals to survive. I have a lot of respect for em and I think they are truly cool creatures, even some of the un-popular ones like coyotes. Those are some cool photos above, wow!

Well spoken!! :way:
Although I agree with those that said this is a lynx and not a bobcat, I did hear a story this fall where a bow hunter witnessed a bobcat take down a small doe. Although I heard it third hand, I know the person that the story was told to and he is a reliable person, so I think this is likely a solid story and not a "friend of a friend or a friend" deal.

We have documentation out here of a bobcat taking down one of our (VERY FEW) endangered Sonoran Pronghorn, so a bobcat taking a doe is not at all out of the realm of possibility.

And yes, that's a lynx no doubt about it.
I originally thought it was a bobcat but the back feet look like a lynx so now I'm not sure. It has bobcat markings.They also get that big. (50 lbs.) I have trapped 50 plus. The face looks like a bobcat.
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lynx usually have the black wispy hairs sticking up fron the tip of the ears. I dont think bobcats do. Usually dead giveaway
That is a bobcat if I have ever seen one....cold weather coat.

As for the wispy hairs on the ear tips, both have them. I killed 2 in Missouri years ago and checked them before I made the edit just to make sure.
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Shredder is right, diff't coat than a lynx and the legs in the pics are much shorter than one would see on a lynx. The close up pic shows a face that really looks hardly like a lynx at all.
Big Bobcat indeed to get ahold of the face of that silly mule deer fawn.
Thanks for the backup....I'm going with bobcat. They have black tipped ears too. A Lynx has a unique looking face and that isn't it.
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