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Bobcat Pics


New Member
I have only got 1 Bobcat pic ever and that was quite a few years ago with a 35mm film Trailcam.
The 1st pic of Bobcat walking away was with a S600. I was a little disappointed that it was a going away pic. I got to my second camera about a 100 yards away and started checking the pictures on the camera and found out I had some more bobcat pics including 2 very close pics.




Great pictures. I like to save our ribcages and scraps to get bobcat photos during jan. and feb. Here are some of my favorites.






I have gotten a couple of bob cat pix but they have been at night with IR and they are blurry:(

Besides carrion what else would bring cats in for good pics?

Cool pics guys thanks for sharing
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I have never tried it, but maybe a wad of turkey feathers hanging with some fishing line, or some catnip?Or my wifes dang cat, next time it comes in heat.If you have any old meat in the freezer, that works great, but you have to secure it or they will run off with it. Biggest problem is the hundreds of crow and raccoon pictures. Best thing is to get a salvage tag for roadkilled deer. Usually you can be put on a list for the county to call you to come and get it.The thing I always wondered was who dominates the carcass, bobcats or coyotes. It turns out the bobcat is usually the boss, but they get along surprisingly well, as long as the coyote doesnt get too close.But, skunks rule every time, everyone else sits back and waits their turn.
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