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i was checking my trapline sets this afternoon and got my 2nd cat of year a 37 pound female, the prettiest cat i got so far. 330 conibear was the weapon. best thing of all is that my tree theory worked. i have been hanging my traps for two seasons three feet in the air on the side of a tree, and finally snagged one. can anyone give me a muddy dance ah hell i can
I'll give you one
How did you get the idea to hang the traps? what kind of stink bait do you use?
Hunt on All4s
i remember my grandfather showing me this before he died i was about 5, and i remembered it last year before setting my traps, and decided as a dedication to him i would try it. i use carcass parts from my deer. i shot five deer. and i am running out of rib cages. i found that natural bait ei. deer, fish guts, even bobcat carcasses make better bait than any store boughts
330 conibear was the weapon. best thing of all is that my tree theory worked.

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illinois allows you to set the big 330 conibares above the water line?? wow, iowa they must be set totally under water...unless they changed the regs lately. you also can use visible deer carcasses as bait? iowa is strict against that too.
i am pretty sure it is legal, it only says that they may not lay on ground level, they arent ground level, they are three feet off of the ground. i would definately win in court
37 pound female

Have any pictures?

The reason I ask, I have some pics of a rather large cat. Then I read that adult males average 23 pounds in a DNR article. Just curious as to how big they get.
Doesn't matter if they are above ground,I don't think it is legal....pretty sure they have to be under water...
sorry dont have a digital camera, 37 is huge most of the ones i have got a like 2 to 28 pounds. I am trx pretty sure it is legal cause i had the dnr check me in the woods and saw the trapp and never said anything. so i left it,usually use them for beaver though i understand the concern but if it wasnt kosher i think he would have said something. very gray area, and i like the gray area sometimes. this time it led to a great cat. too bad it is going to the local fur harvestor, in trade for diapers
How many daipers you want for the hide?

I have sister in law that would probaly
love to have it. They a display of all kinds of hides,and since this one come out of Iowa i'm sure she would love this one.

I have'nt been lucky enough to see a Bobcat yet!We live in western Iowa in the Loess Hills,so i'm sure they are around.
It would be allright to see a moutain lion too---as long as i had my slug gun!

Let me hnow on the diapers.


moose270 is from michigan, he caught this bobcatin michigan. not iowa. iowa laws don't cover michigan
its gone already the local taxidermy guy gave 200 for it, said he will mount it and get a grand from some guy in iowa, j/k
anyways i should be getting another one soon i will put you on my pm list. i usually get a 100 for them, that is the going price at the fur auction. pm me if interested.
I don't trap and haven't seen any bobcat in my area, but I was wondering where a guy could take coyote/raccoon in SE Iowa(south of Washington). I have seen both and would like to take a few, but want to know where I could get rid of(or sell) them and have someone use the fur...I am not experienced in the "fur trade"....Thanks!
Just a heads-up Locust. There are some Bobcats very close to you in Southern Washington Co. My hunting partner got one on video in Nov. and since, I have gotten a couple of trail cam pics. I was surprised by their size.....They're bigger then I thought they would be.

Take Care

Do you know if Duwas takes skins in the round (nonskinned, whole animal) or just cased? Dried or green?


The 'Bonker
there are very few fur traders that will take raw material. most have to be skinned and stretched, you wont make much money trust me been doing do it for year it barely pays for the gas and maybe one free rug a year. all in all in it is worth it to me. good luck
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