Am I the only one who thinks we maybe put too much stock into what others have written. I'm guilty of reading magazine and magazine and book after book but in the long run I'm likely more confused than before. In my opinion I think that different people just say the same old thing ina different manner or completely contradict what others have written. I mean what makes someone an expert enough to write a book about "how to hunt whitetails". Is it a degree they may have or something, or is it the fact that they've been lucky enough to hunt whitetails all over North America, in many cases letting others (outfitters/guides) do the work for them. I won't stop reading books because I cannot get enough "whitetails" but I won't chalk them up as the gospel. I'll use my own intuitions while in the woods, in my opinion, experience is a far better teacher than anything. There are alot of good books out there but what others write won't bag you a big buck! You will!!!!!!!! so get out in the woods and hunt.