Only problem I see with "sitting" by yourself in a piece of public like this is saftey. You will without a doubt have hunters come up on you, hopefully your not in a tree stand and if you are your not down in the bottom surrounded by timber. You will be in a for a rude awakening when slugs start flying over your head or breaking off branches around you. IMO and I've grown up around the boone forks area, there WILL be a bunch of guys and it will see high amounts of pressure. From what I've witness most groups who hunt it, have hunted it for years and have it down to a science how to push it, first season will obviously be your best crack but likewise most of the groups shoot to get in there first as well. Also most of the group tend to push the public first with intent of pushing deer into private (for obvious reasons). Good luck to you, If i was in your shoes, I'd shoot for a smaller parcell of public timber, quiet a bit of smaller pieces of public that tribute off from the forks. Good luck to you and hope you enjoy your time in such a great area.