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Bow Care


New Member
At the end of late bow season I took all parts off my bow so that I could clean them, thoroughly wipe down my bow, and wax the string. This included taking off rest, sight, quiver, stabilizer. I was wondering if you guys could give me any tips that you use or things I should do for good off-season maintenance of my bow as well as routine maintenance. I think this information would be good for all bowhunters on here as sometimes bows can get neglected during the "off-season".

My equipment list includes:

Martin Archery Bengal compound bow
Octane Hostage release
Cobra 4-pin sight
stock Martin quiver
Limb Saver S-coil stabilizer
Scott Archery release

Thanks for any information!
I never take those things off...unless there is a problem or I want to change them out for something new. I just wipe the bow and parts down good with a bit of G96, oil the cams and wax the string and am good to go.
Yeah I don't touch my bows if they're in tune and shooting well. I just wax the string. I usually will lube up the axles and what not when I change out the strings and cables.
I agree that is not something I normally do during the season. But I had hunted in rain/snow during the last portion of the season and wanted to make sure none of the screws or metal parts were rusting.
I resite my bow in sence I shoot 4inches to the left without wearing my headmask, and other clothing i wear during bow season,,,other then that I shoot an arrow in the morning before work,,and an arrow in the evening, (sometimes alot more in eve,,its just fun) 290 days a year, the rest of the days Im hunting.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,why put it away!!!!
There is no "off season" with a bow. Shoot as much as u can. As far as cleaning i use a q tip in the cams and hard to reach spots
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