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Bow Coozies?


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine just just bought a turkish longbow and he's looking for a "bow coozie" to keep it from getting scratched up. Any of the traditionalists on here able to help a brother out? Thanks!
Muddy, Not quite sure what you are after. Here is a fleece bow sock/case my wife made for mine. Take a peice of fleece about 10 inches wide and about 6 inched longer than what the bow is. Fold over and sew into a tube and close one end. Attach a lace to the other end to tie it closed.

P.S.......I am NOT your brother.

Or check this out... Cabelas
Looking for more of a bow sock that he can put on while shooting it. He'd really like a home made deer skin/leather jobby, you interested in making one Shovelbuck?
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