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Bow Hunting Beginner

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Well-Known Member
Hi guy's, I found a stand and got some harnesses from Scott I got my Bow in Jan. and I haven't really got it sighted in good but it's a work in progress. I need to know a few things...

Is this normal? Do I need smaller fletchings? It's kind of messing up my shots and my arrows...


The guy at Bass Pro didn't do a very good job at this...

Second, scent control? What's the best stuff out there or that really works? I was curious about lures? Like Doe stuff...? Does it work?

What about Camo? Would cheap $50 stuff do the trick? Or do I need the $$$ stuff?

Rattling antlers? When do I use them? Can I use them in Oct? When do you normaly pull them out?

I have my poundage set at 35, I can shoot 50+ arrows at 55. Should I set the poundage higher? What's the legal limit?

Thanks for any info you can give me.
Definitely fletching contact. Try to make sure the nock is aligned so that the vanes are lined to go through the little slots without hitting the bristles that hold the arrow if possible. A quick fix is a drop away rest. Best investment you will ever make.

As far as scent control, wash your clothes in scent free detergent and hunt the wind. You don't need to spend any more $$ than that to kill deer.

Lures, never had luck with them. I would save the $$.

As far as antlers, typically late october around the 25th and any time in November. If you use them, don't over do it. It is easy to do. I typically don't use them because I have never had a mature buck come to them. A lot of 3.5 year olds or less have responded in certain areas. Other areas I have the bucks run from it. Also use real antlers versus fake. You will just have to kind of judge this one as you go but you better have a great set up or they will have you pegged as they will try to circle down wind.

Set your bow at 55lbs if you can easily shot 50+ arrows with no troubles with accuracy. The more the better for low poundage set ups.

Also for low poundage, don't fall into the hype of using a 2 inch mechanical. You may not have enough KE to get great penetration. I would use something in that 1 -1.25 range. you cannot go wrong with a fixed head like a muzzy or slick trick.

Goodluck, have fun and bring TP every time in the woods!!
I like to cover my boots with mud or a cow pie on the way to the stand. This helps greatly with being boot tracked.

I to would also go with a drop away rest. That is if you are taking it to a pro shop that can set up a bow.
go to an actual bowshop. scheels, bass pro, cabelas, sportsmans warehouse do NOT count
Liv, I can't make it so it doesn't hit the Bristles. So, I should make it a drop away rest? What is that exactly? I should use 1" vanes? I was told that I should use 2". I'm also going to have it set up with quick release, which I've never really used. I only have one stand, can't afford anymore yet, I have to buy them myself. So, it might be hard to do the wind thing. I found I'm better shooting out of a stand than on the ground. I like the idea Cooter, never really thought of doing that. Also, what about Camo? I still don't have any. All I'm used to is Deer drives and some sneaking during January Antlerless.
I got the muddy boot idea from this sight.......I think from Muddy.

The length of you vanes is not the problem. It looks like a clearance problem. In the pic it looks like they are hitting the cable also. A drop away you would have to go buy. I truely think you need to take your bow to someone that knows what they are doing.

Camo..... don't over think it most all patters work. I like predator. Get something that is going to keep you warm and comfortable for long sits in the stand.
What kind of bow is it that your shooting. Looks like maybe your rest is to close to riser.
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