Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bow improvements


Active Member
These won't help performance but they sure dress up a bow. It was time to make the plain black limbs on my Samick better looking.
Long story short......I'd wanted a set on snake skins on my recurve but since the better half despises snakes, even the skins of a dead one on a bow that resides in the house was out of the question. Now, thanks to Rudd...
I can have the look without reptile remains. While I had him doing the snake skin decals I had him also make copies of the basket weave pattern that Groves top of the line bows had. These were installed on the other side complete with the "Dyna-Stressed" wording. I had the Groves logo sticker and applied it to the riser. It's not a Groves, just a I wish it was.



Thanks again Ryan, as usual, you've done a great job.
Man that snake skin really does dress up a bow. It looks great Jay!

Mr. Rudd is a handy guy to have around.
Great looking set up Shovel, nice work Rudd. If it shoots as good as it looks it will be dead on!
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