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Bow set up for girlfriend?

I was wondering what kinds of bow set ups that your guys wifes, daughters, girlfriends shoot. My girlfriend is wanting to get into bow shooting next year, and then will hunt Iowa with me in the 2011 season once I'm done with school and we are moved back to Iowa so she has residency and not forking out $450 for a tag here if she got drawn in. College kids cant spare that kind of money lol...but she really wants a mathews passion, but there is no way she will have a newer more expensive bow than I do :D. I need to figure out what kind of poundage she can pull, but she is very small framed. She stands a whole 5'1 and between 100-110 lbs. I figured this was a good place to come to so I can get started in the right direction with her and figure out what it might run so we can split the cost.

Thanks guys.
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My wife shoots a Blackhawk made by Bowtech. This bow is short and fast. Now that is not made anymore. My sister in law just got a diamond Rage and she loves it. One good thing is that the weight can be adjusted form 25lbs to 50lbs. The bow is very light and short which will help with them holding the bow up to the target. The bow delivers a arrow with good speed, and also comes with a healthy brace height for the forgiveness. I would recommend this bow to anyone who is watching the check book but wants a bow that will be easy to shoot and the biggest thing.....fun to kill with. Hopefully this helps alittle bit with a decision.
my daughter uses a hoyt rintec and my wife has a mt sport by hoyt.the rintec has a long adjustability on draw length.sweet little bow.
Look into a Diamond Razors Edge made by Bowtech - Adjustable from 19-29 inches of draw length and 30-60# of draw weight. Awesome bow package - reasonably priced - one of my best selling bows.
take a look at the parker sidekicks..my girlfriend shoots one, and its very easy to adjust draw length and weight adjusts alot..cheap and easy, very effective, and then you can add nice accesories for a good little bow...
I will start off by saying I am a mathews man, but my wife shoots the hoyt kobalt and I have to say that it is a pretty sweet little bow. It is a straight shooting bow and she really seems to like it. She had never shot untill this year and she is sticking pretty good groups out to 30 yards, 20 and in she is scarey accurate.
I bought a Diamond Rock for my girlfriend. Great bow with the exception of the crappy cheap feeling hand grip.
I think I started hunting at like 43 lbs draw weight or something like that. But didnt kill anything my first 2 or 3 years...so I was to something like 55 by then. By far enough to do the job. What do you think is the minimum she needs to be pulling before she should be hunting? I was thinking 40 lbs no more than a 30 yard shot if she is good enough to be shooting that far....hopefully with almost 2 years of practice she will be....
Just bought my wife a Hoyt Kobalt, 25.5"DL set at 41lbs and it's a shooter. She shot the Mathews Passion and it was very nice, but not worth the extra $400, ecspecially since I didn't know how much she would shoot. We didn't care for the Diamond Razors Edge, it felt the roughest of the group. I believe it's more for kids that are growing, not for grown ups who have quit growing, up that is...

Just my 2 cents...
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