Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bowhunter's Survey

Hey guys if you like keeping track of all your sightings give our journal a try. The Non-Typical Whitetail Journal is a great way to learn and be better prepared the next time you head out to the woods.

We have a preseason special running now and if you are an IBA member you get an even better deal.
I dont think they send them to everyone every year.. I've only gotten it once since I started bowhunting when I was 12 and I'm 27 now...
Ive gotten one every year since I started bowhunting...I think its another week before they will be out if I remember right...you always get to stare at it for a week and lose it..haha
I signed up a few years ago, and have received one every year since. I don't check my mail more than once a week, but I'm sure one will be there before too long.
Thats always pretty neat stuff to look at. According to those it looks like the number of deer was up a little last year, good to see. You can really tell that bowhunting has taken off the past few years looking at how many people hunted and the amount of trips and time the past few years as well. Also interesting to really see what areas each of the states animals really reside.
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