Active Member
I've had problems in the past with the cheaper ground stake bow holders falling over on mushy spring ground. So for awhile now, I've set out to find a solution. The Bowjaws comes highly recommended by many due to the square platform at the bottom that prevents tip over. I thought I could make something near it with scraps and so began the effort.
The original Bowjaws:
My Bowjaws knock-off:
I didn't want the 90 degree bend in mine so I made it straight. Figured it'd be easier to pack and also, adding weight onto a lever increases tipping potential right? Anwyay, I was bored and needed to pass the time while waiting for turkey season to get here. It's been a long winter but we're almost there finally! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
The original Bowjaws:

My Bowjaws knock-off:

I didn't want the 90 degree bend in mine so I made it straight. Figured it'd be easier to pack and also, adding weight onto a lever increases tipping potential right? Anwyay, I was bored and needed to pass the time while waiting for turkey season to get here. It's been a long winter but we're almost there finally! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif