Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Check the classifieds...I have a Mathews Q2XL for sale, wanting to get a Switchback. 29 1/2 draw, 50-60 pounds, right handed, w/ 2 piece Mathews quiver, Montana black gold sight, rest, All in EXCELLENT condition. PM me if interested.

There has been an ad in the Farm Bureau Spokesman for a 160 lb Browning BushMaster. Yes, it is advertised as 160 lb. Ya think it's a typo?
If not,I'd like to meet the dude who hunts with a 160 lb bow!
It's been in there a while. He might be willing to cut a deal to move it. If you want, I can look ot see if I have the ad at home. I think it was listed in Cedar county.
I your looking for a cheaper bow, complete with sight, arrows, rest, quiver, case I have a PSE Polaris I am getting rid of. I have about 400 into it but am letting it go for 150 or best offer. It is adjustable 50-60 and 28-30 draw length.
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