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Brade Deriemacker Poacher


Life Member
From The Iowa DNR:

Atalissa Man Guilty in Poaching Deer Scoring 200-Plus Inches

TIPTON, Iowa - Brade Deriemacker, 27, of rural Atalissa, pleaded guilty to illegal possession of a whitetail deer scoring more than 200 inches, was fined $195, ordered to complete 80 hours of community service and assessed $5,000 in liquidated damages.

Deriemacker forfeited his hunting equipment and had his hunting privileges suspended for one year.

Deriemacker allegedly shot the deer in November 2012 with his bow, when records showed that he had already harvested a buck with his bow several weeks earlier. When conservation officers recovered the deer, the rack was tagged with a different individual’s deer tag.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources was assisted by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation and the Iowa City Police Department.
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