some folks wanting to go Cliven Bundy on Brakkes farm
Iowa Brakkes cwd farm update, some folks wanting to go Cliven Bundy
update...Brakkes and their cwd infected game farm,
seems other shooting pens, and some other folks, are wanting to go Cliven Bundy on game officials, trying to rid the Brakkes farm of CWD, before it can do any more harm to the wild cervid herds.
Sad part is, it’s the likes of the Brakkes and other shooting pen owners, and that industry as a whole, that just don’t get it. they simply don’t care about the wild herds. it’s all about them and their money $$$. that’s my opinion, but see for yourself;
This is What CWD Looks Like on Our Farm
Started by Rhonda Brakke , Yesterday, 01:06 PM
Antlershed Posted Yesterday, 02:14 PM
May God have mercy. I don't think I could resist from cutting the wire so they at least had a chance, even knowing the outcome would be costly to the whole deer farm community. What a complete waste of life, to kill and find zero to one of those deer have the disease, but I am banking on zero.
G O Whitetails Posted Yesterday, 02:51 PM
I think we should do what they did at Wind Cave. Let's just take the fence down and let them loose.
Bell Posted Yesterday, 03:04 PM
Gary That would bring the news. If 100 deer farmers showed up and started taking the fence down. I think another great idea would be to take all the staples out but one then as soon as they fired the first killing shot with all the media present let it go. They will knock that last staple out.
Rhonda Brakke likes this
jerrilee cave Posted Yesterday, 07:44 PM
Like I have told you before they would have to kill me first before I let them needlessly slaughter my animals. When the day comes we should ALL be standing at the gates and say enough is enough. A protest would make the news for sure.
>>> Let's just take the fence down and let them loose.
I THOUGHT that had already been done on the Brakkes farm ???
16. On June 3, 2013, DNR became aware that sections of the exterior fence surrounding the Quarantined Premises had been removed and that some, if not all, of the exterior gates to and from the Quarantined Premises were open. 17. On June 4, 2013, DNR received reports from the public in the area that four wild deer were observed inside the Quarantined Premises. 18. On June 5, 2013, DNR conducted a fence inspection, after gaining approval from surrounding landowners, and confirmed that the fenced had been cut or removed in at least four separate locations; that the fence had degraded and was failing to maintain the enclosure around the Quarantined Premises in at least one area; that at least three gates had been opened; and that deer tracks were visible in and around one of the open areas in the sand on both sides of the fence, evidencing movement of deer into the Quarantined Premises. see more here on this ;
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
IOWA DNR EMERGENCY CONSENT ORDER IN THE MATTER OF TOM & LINDA BRAKKE D/B/A PINE RIDGE HUNTING LODGE UPDATE AUGUST 21, 2013 snip... 5. On July 16, 2012, DNR received a notice from the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab ("Texas Vet Lab”) that a sample from an adult male deer killed at Pine Ridge tested presumptively positive for CWD. (DNR has an agreement with the Texas Vet Lab to run these preliminary tests.) Because the Texas Vet Lab found this presumptive positive result, protocols required the sample to be sent to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory ("National Lab”) in Ames, Iowa for final confirmation. On July 18, 2012, the National Lab confirmed the positive CWD result in the deer.
6. On July 19, 2012, DNR notified the Brakkes of the positive test by phone. Mr. Brakke was out of state.
snip... 12. The Brakkes depopulated the Hunting Preserve, as specified in the Agreement, from September 10, 2012 to January 31, 2013. As part of this effort, the Brakkes, the staff and their customers killed 199 captive deer and nine captive elk. The DNR obtained 170 CWD samples. (Samples were not taken from fawns and one adult female who was killed in a manner that made sampling impossible.) Of these 199 deer, two additional adult male deer tested positive for CWD. Information provided by the Brakkes confirmed that these two additional deer originated from the Brakke Breeding Facility.
13. DNR installed, with the Brakke's permission, an interior electric fence on October 1 and 2, 2012. 14. The Brakkes cleaned and disinfected, under DNR supervision, the feeders and ground surrounding the feeders on April 5, 2013.
15. On April 26, 2013, the Brakkes hand-delivered a notice to the DNR’s Chief of Law Enforcement Bureau, notifying the DNR that they would no longer operate a hunting preserve on the Quarantined Premises. The Brakkes did not reveal any plans to remove the fence around the Quarantined Premises or to remove the gates to and from the Quarantined Premises in this April 26, 2013 letter.
16. On June 3, 2013, DNR became aware that sections of the exterior fence surrounding the Quarantined Premises had been removed and that some, if not all, of the exterior gates to and from the Quarantined Premises were open. 17. On June 4, 2013, DNR received reports from the public in the area that four wild deer were observed inside the Quarantined Premises. 18. On June 5, 2013, DNR conducted a fence inspection, after gaining approval from surrounding landowners, and confirmed that the fenced had been cut or removed in at least four separate locations; that the fence had degraded and was failing to maintain the enclosure around the Quarantined Premises in at least one area; that at least three gates had been opened; and that deer tracks were visible in and around one of the open areas in the sand on both sides of the fence, evidencing movement of deer into the Quarantined Premises. IV. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW snip...
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Iowa Brakke Family Farmed CWD livestock update July 3, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Iowa Brakke Family Farmed CWD livestock update July 3, 2013
Friday, December 14, 2012
IOWA Second Deer Positive for CWD at Davis County Hunting Preserve Captive Shooting Pen
Friday, September 21, 2012
Chronic Wasting Disease CWD raises concerns about deer farms in Iowa
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Agreement Reached with Owner to De-Populate CWD Deer at Davis County Hunting Preserve Iowa
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Additional Facility in Pottawatamie County Iowa Under Quarantine for CWD after 5 deer test positive
Friday, July 20, 2012
CWD found for first time in Iowa at hunting preserve
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Thursday, July 03, 2014
*** How Chronic Wasting Disease is affecting deer population and what’s the risk to humans and pets? ***
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
New Missouri CWD regulations... You know where we stand... What are your thoughts?
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion Disease North America 2014
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Structural effects of PrP polymorphisms on intra- and inter-species prion transmission
Iowa Brakkes cwd farm update, some folks wanting to go Cliven Bundy
update...Brakkes and their cwd infected game farm,
seems other shooting pens, and some other folks, are wanting to go Cliven Bundy on game officials, trying to rid the Brakkes farm of CWD, before it can do any more harm to the wild cervid herds.
Sad part is, it’s the likes of the Brakkes and other shooting pen owners, and that industry as a whole, that just don’t get it. they simply don’t care about the wild herds. it’s all about them and their money $$$. that’s my opinion, but see for yourself;
This is What CWD Looks Like on Our Farm
Started by Rhonda Brakke , Yesterday, 01:06 PM
Antlershed Posted Yesterday, 02:14 PM
May God have mercy. I don't think I could resist from cutting the wire so they at least had a chance, even knowing the outcome would be costly to the whole deer farm community. What a complete waste of life, to kill and find zero to one of those deer have the disease, but I am banking on zero.
G O Whitetails Posted Yesterday, 02:51 PM
I think we should do what they did at Wind Cave. Let's just take the fence down and let them loose.
Bell Posted Yesterday, 03:04 PM
Gary That would bring the news. If 100 deer farmers showed up and started taking the fence down. I think another great idea would be to take all the staples out but one then as soon as they fired the first killing shot with all the media present let it go. They will knock that last staple out.
Rhonda Brakke likes this
jerrilee cave Posted Yesterday, 07:44 PM
Like I have told you before they would have to kill me first before I let them needlessly slaughter my animals. When the day comes we should ALL be standing at the gates and say enough is enough. A protest would make the news for sure.
>>> Let's just take the fence down and let them loose.
I THOUGHT that had already been done on the Brakkes farm ???
16. On June 3, 2013, DNR became aware that sections of the exterior fence surrounding the Quarantined Premises had been removed and that some, if not all, of the exterior gates to and from the Quarantined Premises were open. 17. On June 4, 2013, DNR received reports from the public in the area that four wild deer were observed inside the Quarantined Premises. 18. On June 5, 2013, DNR conducted a fence inspection, after gaining approval from surrounding landowners, and confirmed that the fenced had been cut or removed in at least four separate locations; that the fence had degraded and was failing to maintain the enclosure around the Quarantined Premises in at least one area; that at least three gates had been opened; and that deer tracks were visible in and around one of the open areas in the sand on both sides of the fence, evidencing movement of deer into the Quarantined Premises. see more here on this ;
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
IOWA DNR EMERGENCY CONSENT ORDER IN THE MATTER OF TOM & LINDA BRAKKE D/B/A PINE RIDGE HUNTING LODGE UPDATE AUGUST 21, 2013 snip... 5. On July 16, 2012, DNR received a notice from the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab ("Texas Vet Lab”) that a sample from an adult male deer killed at Pine Ridge tested presumptively positive for CWD. (DNR has an agreement with the Texas Vet Lab to run these preliminary tests.) Because the Texas Vet Lab found this presumptive positive result, protocols required the sample to be sent to the National Veterinary Services Laboratory ("National Lab”) in Ames, Iowa for final confirmation. On July 18, 2012, the National Lab confirmed the positive CWD result in the deer.
6. On July 19, 2012, DNR notified the Brakkes of the positive test by phone. Mr. Brakke was out of state.
snip... 12. The Brakkes depopulated the Hunting Preserve, as specified in the Agreement, from September 10, 2012 to January 31, 2013. As part of this effort, the Brakkes, the staff and their customers killed 199 captive deer and nine captive elk. The DNR obtained 170 CWD samples. (Samples were not taken from fawns and one adult female who was killed in a manner that made sampling impossible.) Of these 199 deer, two additional adult male deer tested positive for CWD. Information provided by the Brakkes confirmed that these two additional deer originated from the Brakke Breeding Facility.
13. DNR installed, with the Brakke's permission, an interior electric fence on October 1 and 2, 2012. 14. The Brakkes cleaned and disinfected, under DNR supervision, the feeders and ground surrounding the feeders on April 5, 2013.
15. On April 26, 2013, the Brakkes hand-delivered a notice to the DNR’s Chief of Law Enforcement Bureau, notifying the DNR that they would no longer operate a hunting preserve on the Quarantined Premises. The Brakkes did not reveal any plans to remove the fence around the Quarantined Premises or to remove the gates to and from the Quarantined Premises in this April 26, 2013 letter.
16. On June 3, 2013, DNR became aware that sections of the exterior fence surrounding the Quarantined Premises had been removed and that some, if not all, of the exterior gates to and from the Quarantined Premises were open. 17. On June 4, 2013, DNR received reports from the public in the area that four wild deer were observed inside the Quarantined Premises. 18. On June 5, 2013, DNR conducted a fence inspection, after gaining approval from surrounding landowners, and confirmed that the fenced had been cut or removed in at least four separate locations; that the fence had degraded and was failing to maintain the enclosure around the Quarantined Premises in at least one area; that at least three gates had been opened; and that deer tracks were visible in and around one of the open areas in the sand on both sides of the fence, evidencing movement of deer into the Quarantined Premises. IV. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW snip...
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Iowa Brakke Family Farmed CWD livestock update July 3, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Iowa Brakke Family Farmed CWD livestock update July 3, 2013
Friday, December 14, 2012
IOWA Second Deer Positive for CWD at Davis County Hunting Preserve Captive Shooting Pen
Friday, September 21, 2012
Chronic Wasting Disease CWD raises concerns about deer farms in Iowa
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Agreement Reached with Owner to De-Populate CWD Deer at Davis County Hunting Preserve Iowa
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Additional Facility in Pottawatamie County Iowa Under Quarantine for CWD after 5 deer test positive
Friday, July 20, 2012
CWD found for first time in Iowa at hunting preserve
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Thursday, July 03, 2014
*** How Chronic Wasting Disease is affecting deer population and what’s the risk to humans and pets? ***
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
New Missouri CWD regulations... You know where we stand... What are your thoughts?
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion Disease North America 2014
Saturday, August 02, 2014
Structural effects of PrP polymorphisms on intra- and inter-species prion transmission
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