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Branstad wants to Kill'em All


Life Member
Well maybe not all of them, but I got your attention.

Culling Iowa deer herd still goal

Omaha World Herald

Iowa will issue the same number of hunting licenses for antlerless deer as it did last year as the state continues to reduce the size of the herd.

The decision comes despite complaints from some hunters that there are too few deer. Responding to pressure from the governor, the Natural Resources Commission last week rescinded its earlier order of intended action to reduce antlerless deer quotas in 35 counties.

Iowa will issue 132,900 antlerless deer licenses during the upcoming deer seasons, said Greg Drees, commission chairman.

Randy Taylor, vice president of the Iowa Bowhunters Association, said that doesn’t mean hunters will buy them.

“The state can put those doe tags out there, but the hunter is the management tool,” Taylor said. “We don’t have to shoot those does, and if we stop shooting them, the deer herd will be right back where it was.”
Drees and Willie Suchy, wildlife research manager for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, worry that state leaders are sending mixed signals that will make hunters less responsive to future calls for increased pressure on deer.

“They’ll figure they’ve been burned once by shooting too many does and that they will never do that again,” Suchy said.

A coalition of farm and business interests recently criticized the department’s plan to reduce the number of deer tags, citing the likelihood of increased damage to crops and more deer-vehicle accidents.

After hearing those concerns, Gov. Terry Branstad told the department to change its plan to issue fewer antlerless deer tags.

Iowa Continues Deer Reduction Efforts in 2011

Cedar Rapids Gazette

Iowa will issue the same number of antlerless deer licenses as it did last year despite complaints by some hunters that there are too few deer.

The Natural Resources Commission on Thursday, responding to pressure from Gov. Terry Branstad, decided not to reduce the deer quotas in 35 counties.

Commission Chairman Greg Drees says Iowa will have nearly 133,000 licenses this year.

A coalition of groups, including the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the Iowa Insurance Institute, recently criticized the plan to curtail deer tags, citing the likelihood of increased crop damage and more collisions with deer.

A Branstad spokesman says the governor continues to hear that the size of the herd is a problem and needs to be thinned.
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This was in the Des Moines Register today too. I can't believe its taken this long to get some media attention compared with how much the dove hunting got, which I could care less about really.
I'm glad the article had the stance of the DNR and Rany Taylor going with it, I was really expecting to see it being written the other way. I think it does't matter what the DNR proposes, Branstad will just do what the high $$$ groups are saying, and Randy makes an excellent point that I hope more hunters will consider in that if we don't buy the tags/shoot the does the populatin will be fine and begin to climb back up. I will not be buying any anterless tags this fall.
I'm not really looking forward to reading all the 2 cents worths and opionion aricles that people who know nothing about the issue will be be writing.
you folks in your counties need to get organized and get the word out on this whole situation if you're in one of the counties that are hurting. You need to educate the Elmer Fudd's that are in massive #'s in all areas or Wal-Mart Whackers as I often call them (the guys who are buying their tags and bullets the night before gun seasons at Wal-mart- the 15-man waiting line at the sports isle register). They don't know any better and some are open to listening, learning and growing as hunters.

If you folks don't get organized at your sports stores, through all your channels of communication and get the word spread- your county is in for some serious trouble as far as hunting goes. Time to get off the butts, get organized and educate your fellow hunter that's year's behind you in education of deer biology, etc. This is the only option as of now. The better option is absolutely from regulation and you best not give up the fight each year BUT right now, the landscape is what it is BUT a whole lot can be dictated this fall/winter with some brains & education behind those triggers.
I can only speak for the county I hunt in ( page ), but it has droped the past few years...We still have more deer then 20 - 25 years ago in the places I hunt...I think my part needs to be maintaned not reduced per say...Most guys I know have never got a antlerless tag or thay get 1 a year...I have shot 75 deer the past 5 years, and my fram still holds 200 deer on it late december and January...I personly love seeing this but my naibors dont like me for it...Its kind of like public hunting around my farm...I love shooting deer plane and simpel, so Ill still get tags for my county, and help maitain my farms...
I myself will not allow any does shot on my land, but that doesn't mean the neighbors will do the same thing. This is in Delaware county which has just been hammered in the last 4 years.
what if we made a universal flyer or poster type deal that the members of this site could post in sporting good stores and such this coming hunting season to draw attention to this issue to those people who dont know or don't care to educate themselves
what if we made a universal flyer or poster type deal that the members of this site could post in sporting good stores and such this coming hunting season to draw attention to this issue to those people who dont know or don't care to educate themselves

I like that idea:way:
what if we made a universal flyer or poster type deal that the members of this site could post in sporting good stores and such this coming hunting season to draw attention to this issue to those people who dont know or don't care to educate themselves

YOU ARE RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!!!!!! WELL DONE, EXCELLENT SUGGESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This needs to happen. This needs action and this really needs to be put in place. Very nice. I'm happy to help with some text or whatever. There's a few guys on here that could help with design (simple, easy) to stand out, really simple/quick stuff. Maybe make another post on this to see if they'd help? Great thoughts, needs to happen!
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