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Brassicas-how much to plant

MN Slick

PMA Member
We plan to put in about 6 acres of plots for this season in an area where the deer haven't seen brassicas. Would you guys plant anymore than about 1 acre to a brassica mix? I've heard many times that it takes deer a year or 2 to get accustomed to eating brassicas so I'd hate to plant too much. We plan on using Lick Creek's mix. Thanks
I planted 1 acre of Brassicas a couple of years ago in a area that had never had a plot. They grew phenomenal and after the first frost, it took 3 days YES 3 days and the plot was down to basically dirt. This is in NE Iowa, and there wasnt much else for food on that farm that year so, there are multiple factors that come in to play, but if I ever plant brassicas again , it will be a minimum of 4-5 acres, OR supplement your plot with some other forage around the farm. Plant away, and good luck :way:
frost seeding clover from brassicas works awesome, no issues. I just like to frost seed when the ground is bare right before snow. The snow seems to work it in perfect.
Also, why don't you go with dbltrees rotation. Plant 3 acres of winter rye and 3 acres of brassicas or plant one acre of clover in the middle and rotate the ends. That is what I do with a 2.5 acre plot of mine.
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