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I'm thinking about trying out some new broadheads this fall, and would like to hear some opinions (good or bad) from those who have tried either of the following:

Montec G5s
SlickTricks (4 blade)
I have tried both of those and really like the way they fly. I have shot Rocket Sidewinder 3's for years and just for curiosity sakes, I wanted to try something different. I found that both of them fly right with my field points and Rockets. I haven't shot an animal with either, so I can't personally say what type of damage they do though. But my buddy shot a buck that scored just a touch over 160" this last Dec with the slick tricks and he said they did a great job with a great blood trail. Double lung shot and fell within 70 yards of the shot. That G5 Montec just looks like a solid, one piece BH to me though!
I tried the montecs for 2 seasons and they are good broadheads no doubt. Tougher than nails and fly accuratly. The reason I quit using them is the price for three heads (near $30.00) is about twice the price they should be based on what you get..a one piece cast broadhead. Muzzys or other heads with replaceable blades are much sharper than you can ever get a montec as well.
This is my 2nd year shooting the Montec's and love them. Best heads I've shot with my set-up as far as accuracy and flight. All three heads have killed deer and one that I have has taken three. I bought the Montec sharpener and use it for resharpening. They are pricie however as Shredder stated. But I figure if I can get 2-3 good years out of them before I by new then that's not to bad.
The montec is a nice head, no doubt.

However, I felt they were to hard to maintain an edge on, and tough to sharpen to my liking(they were very dull out of the box).
I tried the slick trick 100's this year and they worked very well. They flew like my field points, and have very thick blades that can be removed from the head and re-sharpened. I don't have any experience with the Montecs, but they look very tough.
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