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i apologize if this type of post has been here before but i haven't seen it before. i was having a debate with a friend of mine about a certain broadhead. when november rolls around i won't shoot anything but a wasp jakhammer expandable. i'll try new ones but i keep coming back to them. my friend doesn't like the loss of energy that comes with expandables. my experience is that they aren't the best for pass thru's but i've had good blood trails with the arrow inside. never had any deflections either. my friend disagrees with everything and is a firm believer in fixed blade head. just curious what everyone else uses and experiences with the jak-hammers. thanks
I have never had one not pass thru and stick in the dirt from small does to big bodied bucks. I started shooting the wasp Mechanic 2 blade in 1994-5, then the Jak Hammers in 1996 with excellent results. I left the jak hammers in 2003 and went to the montecs for 2 years but came back to wasp based on blood trail and performance. I have yet to have one deflect on me and have never had one not deploy with impact. I hope I am not jinxing myself in saying that. I honestly cannot speak for the other expandable heads because I have really never shot any others in hunting situations.
I think that age old is alot like texas holdem, 60% luck 40% skill. With my old bow I harvested and felt secure enough to make a quartering too(fixed blade). Last year new faster bow expandable head, lost my best buck. It wasn't a monster probably around 140, but that experience was enough to never take that shot again(different story though).

I started shooting Montec G5 this year and I'm impressed with the shock and trauma to the wound. I also have some jakhammers, that I want to use with the app. same conditions(distance size, etc) to compare the wound.

Expandables typically have a larger cutting diameter, true. Suppose to fly better, I think with the right tuning(bow and arrow) any bow should shoot either broadhead accurately. Expandables with a larger cut does give you some leeway on marginal shots, which unfortunately happen. On the other hand I do believe physics comes into play and you do lose some penetraton. Some setups probably doesn't matter others it will. I'm interested to see some personal reviews on Rage broadheads.

Long post on my views that have very little scientific statistics, but in my opinion is still comes down to personal opinion, and they are both equal instruments of harvesting game.
I just recently switched from 4-blade muzzys to Grim Reaper Razortips, and i'm very impressed with them! I was always told that mechanicals were not the way to go, but last weekend proved to me that mechanicals are for real. I had a somewhat quartering too shot at 20 yards. I took the shot, and it hit a little farther forward than I would've liked, but the braodhead still busted right through the shoulder and stuck half way out the other side of her. I couldn't believe how well they worked. I didn't make the best shot, but the mechanical compensated for that and I have doe number 1 down!
I've shot two deer with Jak-hammer's and had good and bad results. The first deer went only 30 yards, but on the second deer the broadhead passed all the way through without opening. It was a cold day out so I don't know if the broadhead froze up or what but I don't want to chance something like that happening on a big buck so I switched to fixed blades.
I've met an equal amount of nay-sayers for both fixed blade and mechanical. I always say shoot with what has worked for you and for me its 100 gr. 3 blade muzzy's. I've killed every deer I've shot with them (7 in 3 years) and none of them have gone farther than 100 yards. So I'll will keep using them untill they don't work- bottom line.
I still like the expandables. Pass throughs everyone so far with Rocket Sidewinders. Trying some Rocket Hammerheads this year too.

I think the verdict is out on Rage Broadheads. A bunch of store returns is what I was told a couple month's ago.
I've shot all kinds of broadheads over the years.

My conclusion is.....as long as they are razor sharp, they all will do the job with proper shot placement.

Shot my first deer with a Bear Razorhead which was hand sharpened.
I shoot Snuffers, you can't argue with what works. Hey I'm still shooting aluminum arrows too but I did go with vanes last year.
It is all what you have confidence in. My guess it that your friend has never tried them. There are a ton of dead deer because of jak hammers. My main reason for shooting them is the short recovery distance. My other reason is that for a marginal shot placement I will put a expandable with a large cutting diameter up against any fixed blade head any day of the week. Now if you want to talk politics or religion you will get just as many opinions...

I have never had a jak hammer fail.
I'm interested to see some personal reviews on Rage broadheads.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have taken four does with the Rage two blade boardheads and just traded five of them for six new Steelheads. They make a huge hole and I had 3 out of 4 pass thru. They did not fly as my field tip from my setup and they popped open coming out of the quiver several times, once in a hunting situation. Once was enough. The ban retention they use looses less energy but is unreliable in my opinion.
Has anyone ever tried shooting their mechanical heads with the blades already opened and compared the penetration?

I am asking simply because I feel that the energy lost to opening the blades is so small that it is negligible in relation to the total energy of your arrow system. Those blades are so light that it really doesn't take that much energy to move them back, especially with the new ones that open from the rear. IMHO
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