Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Broke or Genetic?

Doubleaarc hery

New Member
Still learning here, but this little buck looks like he has a nice start on his left side, but his right side has not grown at all... I have two different bucks(the other one is only a fork on the left) that have the exact same broking right side. Is it possible for two growth injuries?
Is is possible to have a bad gene?


Could be from an injury from the year before. I had a nice buck run into my pickup 10 years ago and broke off his left antler and never grew a left antler again.
They say that is one side is normal and the other side is messed up that it is from an injury. If it was genetic then both sides would be messed up. According to some studies.
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