Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Broken clean....


Active Member
....and growing back. This buck broke his right side some time before the fouth of July shown in the top photo. In the second photo he has grown what looks like the start of a new beam and a G1. The last photo was taken August 2nd. In the first photo the white spot is skull!


Good deer too! That is interesting that he started to regrow like that. Wonder how it will finish off in the next couple weeks? Looks like he got himself a free pass until next year though.
I think this buck would have been a 130 class buck at best. If I continue to get photos of him I'll post them. I am sure I have serveral other pictures in my files. I'll try and sort thru them to show the progress better.

The first image is July 4th.


He looks like he would have had a very good looking 3rd rack if he hadn't broken. Forty days later and I wonder if he'll get a G2 back or if he is about done.
He sure looks like he put on some weight during those 40 days as well. Look at the muscle mass difference between the two picts.

He'll be a pig next year.
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