Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Life Member
More than half of the fun for me is seeing the success of other hunters and sharing that with them. If it is one of my kids, or one of my best friends, I just love being a part of it. I love to take pictures (in the field) and share the moment...

Many of my good friends had successful seasons this year and I thank them for letting me be a part of it.

The pictures below are of a good friend of mine that I personally watched and recorded with video, passing a 140 chalk white eight point that I would have had a hard time not drawing on. The rush after that buck left the area was something I want to share again in future seasons. Those of you that have shared a similar experience know what I'm talking about. I'm not going to share what we captured on tape on November the 11th.

Anyway...on his last day of his November vacation he decided to let one fly.

Congrats Mike...





I agree with you, it is at best equal if not more exiting watching the hunt live while someone else is doing the shooting. You get to see it all unfold instead of being in the killing "zone"

Congrats to Mike and lucky you to get to see it all happen.
I agree Bronco...I had the same experience of filming my best friend shoot a nice 9 pointer after he filmed me shoot my biggest buck ever! Nothing can replace that joy!

Congrats to your buddy!
im with you fellas
i taped 8 kills last (05) season. i only killed a 100 inch 8 pointer with my bow, and ironically i dont even think about my hunt. i had more fun taping good buddies than killing one myself. great way to create re-livable memories.
Love it!!!!!!!
Great story, I look forward to the day I can have a camera man " friend" in the tree with me while he or I am hunting. Great story and thanks for sharing!
Good life lesson for all! (Sharing)

Thanks for the story and pics.
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