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browse pressure on young trees?


PMA Member
We've got access to some shorter steel post that would be good for shorter tree tubes but we weren't sure what type of tree would be able to withstand the browsing due to being in a shorter tube... anyone plant any bareroot seedlings that the deer didn't browse as much? We're thinking we'll probably be able to use a 3-4 ft tube with these post. So that would mean easy pickings for deer browse. Just wondering if it is a waste of time to bother with a tube shorter than 5 foot.
Can you raise the tube up the stake some as the seedling grows? This works well for me IF (and its a big if) you keep the weeds sprayed around the seedling so rodents keep their distance.
I like the idea, only problem is the post are kinda short and we've had some trouble with the TreePro tubes folding over in the winds, we'll give it a shot and see how it works. I feel like the ProTex tubes might be stronger than the TreePros...
I like the idea, only problem is the post are kinda short and we've had some trouble with the TreePro tubes folding over in the winds, we'll give it a shot and see how it works. I feel like the ProTex tubes might be stronger than the TreePros...

Which tree pro tubes are you using? I used the superwide and double wide tubes and never had any bend over in the wind and they were 4-5 foot tall tubes. Only secure them to the stake about half way up too.
We got the Miracle tubes that are packed inside each other (5 per pack). They've been up for nearly 3 years and we always have some that bend over whenever we go in to check them.
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