Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bruisers, Huge NT Must see!


Well-Known Member
OAK (One of A Kind)

This guy is fat!


One Eyed Willy




Big Bohi

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Willy, Blade, and Big Bohi together...they seem to get along. Besides they pick on Willy a lot and don't let him have to much food. He always is behind that tree. He waits 'til the other Deer are done eating to eat.
Big Bohi is going to have a split G2 on his right side I believe. Next card pull should tell me if I'm right or wrong.

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Man, great group of bucks. And you have soybeans all around your set up too, right? You are gonna get great pics this summer.
Man, great group of bucks. And you have soybeans all around your set up too, right? You are gonna get great pics this summer.

Yes sir, over 500 acres of soybeans right around this place. I'm going to set up a stand right over some soybeans. Plus, I have a chance at these guys before all of you guys do.
Man, they are blowing up at your place.. Great Pic's.. Looks like you need some hunting pressure on your place..
Are ya still able to do the sept. youth season? My oldest son just turned 16 so he's bummed, no more youth season.
Good grief, if I remember the right pic, that buck in the 2nd pic has a brute of a blocky ol' body. Wow.

Nice pics man!
Are ya still able to do the sept. youth season? My oldest son just turned 16 so he's bummed, no more youth season.

Two more years :way: luck for me my Birthday is in October.

Man, they are blowing up at your place.. Great Pic's.. Looks like you need some hunting pressure on your place..

Hah, it didn't get pressured for 3 years stright so there are some dandys.
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