alright, here is what happened! this morning i got off work and started home and as i was passing a crp field about 20 miles from the house, there was a 160 class 10 pointer frothing at the mouth and dogging hard after his mate, well lo and behold about 5 miles up the road, BAM, same scenariobut only with a 115-120 class 8 pointer. i am usually dead as hell when i get off midnights on my drive home, and i almost always go straight home and straight to bed, most of the time i hate talking to people, but this morning was different, probably for what i was seeing. well back to original story.
just as i topped thethe hill about 1 mile before i got to the house, there HE was. first thought was no way that is him. so i stopped the truck on the side of the road and witnessed one of natures most amazing displays. about 100 yards out in a picked cornfield stood BRUTUS JR.. after confirming my suspicions that it was him, i just couldn't believe that i was watching him there in the wide open field, for he had never been seen like this before.
the sun was shining on his wide, very wide rack. i watche him dog the doe all over that picked cornfield, and dissappear into the timber about 200 yards SW of my stand, i thought to myself it is now or never.
i rushed home packed my gear threw my hunting close on, jumped on the 4 wheeler and took off. i figured the 4 wheeler was my best bet to get to my stand, instead of walking 1000 yards through the timber on leaves that made me sound like a mack truck. well i drove the 4 wheeler to within 200 yards on the NW side of my stand, wind blowing directly in my face. i made the walk, climbed the ladder and settled in. 45 minutes goes by, and i say to myself, "damn, i should have just went to bed, this whole morning was to good to be true". as another 1 rolled by i could barely keep my head up and eyes open and that beautiful morning sun was just making things worse!
just as i had decided that it was too good to be true, and that i should have known better then to think that i had the upper hand on him, i started to hook my pull string to my bow to begin lowering, when CRUNCH! i here a stick break. the CRUNCH-CRUNCH-CRUNCH. i turn to see a doe right behind me, at abot 40 yards.
first thought in my head was, "thanks for the bait dad". she turns to look behind her, right then i knew it had to be him. i scanned the woods over and over, still i see nothing, but i know there is something there. i keep telling myself look for a horizontal line, look for a horizontal line, because i am looking into heavy cover.
just like magic, a dark horizontal line appears in the heavy brush, then a neck, a very thick neck, and then 2 ears, the white around the nose, and then, those beautiful antlers. there he was about 60 to 70 yards out. i sheilded myself behind the tree so the doe couldn't see me pull out my grunt. i gave 2 short grunts. boy did that piss him off, he came back with 3 long deep grunts, loud enough to rattle the whole woods.
he continued this heavy grunting and destroying every tree, sapling and patch of brush in the woods. suddenly the doe spooks, i'm guessing due to his very aggressive display, because i have not moved and they are not downwind of me. but anyways she spooks down passed me to my SW, and he freezes in heavy cover at about 40 yards. he needs to tavel about 10 yards to the south, and i will have a beautiful 30 yard broadside shot. his eyes are intent on where the doe has dissappeared, with me knowing that he was not going to take his eye off of the direction the doe ran i saw my chance to slowly raise up and draw my bow.
not wanting to take my eye off of him i somehow blindly connected my release on to my loop(that never happens to me). he takes one step in the S, SW direction, focused on where the doe has gone, i draw my bow and he freezes againg. i managed to hold my bow for a count(in my head) of 193 seconds(i do this to calm myself down) and he has not moved, i am shaking and beginning to crumble, . so i give a soft grunt and he slowly turns and looks in my direction and then heads back in the direction he came and trots off with his nose to the ground.
at this time there are a million things going through my head as i set there in my tree not believing what just happened. what just happened? what did i do wrong? quite possibly my last chance to end a 2 year quest of my obsession and i blew, how? i give it one more hour, for i am not even close to being tired anymore, nothing moving so i climb down and start back to the 4 wheeler. suddenly i come to a stop and say to myself "just take a short walk in the direction the doe ran". i whirled around walked slowly back past my stand toward the SW. after getting passed my stand i talked myself right out of that walk, and headed back to the 4 wheeler.
on the walk back to the 4 wheeler, i replayed everything that had just happened and thinking what i should have done different, when suddenly the same doe appears. only this time she is directly downwind of me. i drop th my knees behind a tree when she stops, looks behind her, puts her tail at half mast and trots on. i listen, but here nothing brining up her rear.
suddenly the lovely sounds of those leaves began crunching in the direction she just came from. he appears over the ridge nose buried in the leaves and moving quick. affraid he is going to cross my walk-in path he goes right over it and it never phases him. he is at this time at 40 yards and closing fast. i draw my bow and stop him with a mouth grunt at 20 yards, brodside. no time to think i release the arrow and connect with a beautiful shot or so i thought, and he bolts for about 50 yards and stops just before dropping over the ridge top. he turns looks in my direction, i pulled up my binos and made sure the shot was true and sure enough directly behind his right shoulder was a whole with a sustantial amount of blood pooring from his side. i watched in amazement, expecting him to fall at any moment when he puts his nose back to the ground and walks over the edge of the ridge. i immedietly called my BIL and 20 minutes later he met me at the 4 wheeler.
i ran the whole story by him. we started in the woods over to where the shot was made and found great blood right off the bat, as we neared the edge of the ridge we both expected to look over and see the giant piled up in the green briar that we knew was located there. lo and behold we look over the edge and he is standing on the shelf below about 60 yards away. he looks in our direction and we hunker down hoping he didn't see us. i give it about 20 seconds and i look up again only to see him walk off and on down the hill. i played the shot back to him and told him this is 100% kill i know i hit him good i saw the whole, for he is not so sure i hit him well due to buck fever.
i decide to track him a little further, thinking and knowing in my mind that the shot was perfect and he should have already died. i walk down on the shelf he was standing on and found a place where he had bedded. still good blood all the way to this spot and in the bed 2 good puddles of blood and estimated 9 inches apart. i follow the blood to the edge of the shelf and we jumped him from another bed and i watched him run off deeper into the hollar. feeling really sick at this time, we pull out and let it settle 'til this evening, and let me get a little bit of sleep.
i get up at 4 in the afternoon, pumped beyond all belief, thinking he is for sure down by now. i grab my bow and head over to pick up my BIL. we tacked blood from the last spot for about 400 yards and about 250 of that we found good blood but no beds. soon we split up about an hour before dark. suddenly i get a hollar from my BIL. pumped i hollar back and say tell me you found him. he said i did somewhat, get over here. he had jumped him from his bed and got a great look at him as he was running off, and guys he even said that the shot could have not been better placed. blown away by this i inspect the bed and find the same 2 spots, although not as much but still 9 inches apart, but find half my arrow with the broadhead. then i start paying more attention to the hair, it's all gray, then i look at the broadhead. i shoot a 3 blade muzzy and 2 of them are bent severely. i quickly start to become very sick. thinking maybe some how the arrow was deflected just beneath the skin. so we decide maybe we should back out and give him 'til in the morning since he appears to be going well.
i need some of your help and knowlege on this one guys. i have never wanted a whitetail more in my life. the only conclusion i can come to, since the shot was perfectly placed on entry, is tah just as it passed through the hide it caught a rib and deflected enough downward to miss the lungs, yet still come out just above the white hair on the belly. i have looked at numerous vitals pictures and from the looks of it, it's possible for this to happen, yet almost unlikely. i have been tore up since and it's eating at me like crazy. HELP
for those of you who are not familiar with BRUTUS, he is a buck that i have been after for 2 years. last year i chalked up countless hours in the stand with only one sighting during muzzleloading season. although i haven't had much time this year to hunt him and no sightings during summer, i knew he still existed and he was what i was after until a certain point in the season. last year he had a spread of probably 30 inches and 12-13 inch G2's and G3's and good mass. his measurements appear to be the same to last year but with a little wider spread, atleast it appears that way. he has to be in someway dierectly related to this guy
which is a buck my neighbor took last year during muzzleloading season. this buck netted just under 200 inches, if i remember right it was 191. i do think that BRUTUS this year will net 200 inches. i need this deer in a bad way, just for my own satisfaction because he has been my obsession for 2 long years and i want the satisfaction that i can go after a specific deer and get him. PLEASE HELP!!!
just as i topped thethe hill about 1 mile before i got to the house, there HE was. first thought was no way that is him. so i stopped the truck on the side of the road and witnessed one of natures most amazing displays. about 100 yards out in a picked cornfield stood BRUTUS JR.. after confirming my suspicions that it was him, i just couldn't believe that i was watching him there in the wide open field, for he had never been seen like this before.
the sun was shining on his wide, very wide rack. i watche him dog the doe all over that picked cornfield, and dissappear into the timber about 200 yards SW of my stand, i thought to myself it is now or never.
i rushed home packed my gear threw my hunting close on, jumped on the 4 wheeler and took off. i figured the 4 wheeler was my best bet to get to my stand, instead of walking 1000 yards through the timber on leaves that made me sound like a mack truck. well i drove the 4 wheeler to within 200 yards on the NW side of my stand, wind blowing directly in my face. i made the walk, climbed the ladder and settled in. 45 minutes goes by, and i say to myself, "damn, i should have just went to bed, this whole morning was to good to be true". as another 1 rolled by i could barely keep my head up and eyes open and that beautiful morning sun was just making things worse!
just as i had decided that it was too good to be true, and that i should have known better then to think that i had the upper hand on him, i started to hook my pull string to my bow to begin lowering, when CRUNCH! i here a stick break. the CRUNCH-CRUNCH-CRUNCH. i turn to see a doe right behind me, at abot 40 yards.
first thought in my head was, "thanks for the bait dad". she turns to look behind her, right then i knew it had to be him. i scanned the woods over and over, still i see nothing, but i know there is something there. i keep telling myself look for a horizontal line, look for a horizontal line, because i am looking into heavy cover.
just like magic, a dark horizontal line appears in the heavy brush, then a neck, a very thick neck, and then 2 ears, the white around the nose, and then, those beautiful antlers. there he was about 60 to 70 yards out. i sheilded myself behind the tree so the doe couldn't see me pull out my grunt. i gave 2 short grunts. boy did that piss him off, he came back with 3 long deep grunts, loud enough to rattle the whole woods.
he continued this heavy grunting and destroying every tree, sapling and patch of brush in the woods. suddenly the doe spooks, i'm guessing due to his very aggressive display, because i have not moved and they are not downwind of me. but anyways she spooks down passed me to my SW, and he freezes in heavy cover at about 40 yards. he needs to tavel about 10 yards to the south, and i will have a beautiful 30 yard broadside shot. his eyes are intent on where the doe has dissappeared, with me knowing that he was not going to take his eye off of the direction the doe ran i saw my chance to slowly raise up and draw my bow.
not wanting to take my eye off of him i somehow blindly connected my release on to my loop(that never happens to me). he takes one step in the S, SW direction, focused on where the doe has gone, i draw my bow and he freezes againg. i managed to hold my bow for a count(in my head) of 193 seconds(i do this to calm myself down) and he has not moved, i am shaking and beginning to crumble, . so i give a soft grunt and he slowly turns and looks in my direction and then heads back in the direction he came and trots off with his nose to the ground.
at this time there are a million things going through my head as i set there in my tree not believing what just happened. what just happened? what did i do wrong? quite possibly my last chance to end a 2 year quest of my obsession and i blew, how? i give it one more hour, for i am not even close to being tired anymore, nothing moving so i climb down and start back to the 4 wheeler. suddenly i come to a stop and say to myself "just take a short walk in the direction the doe ran". i whirled around walked slowly back past my stand toward the SW. after getting passed my stand i talked myself right out of that walk, and headed back to the 4 wheeler.
on the walk back to the 4 wheeler, i replayed everything that had just happened and thinking what i should have done different, when suddenly the same doe appears. only this time she is directly downwind of me. i drop th my knees behind a tree when she stops, looks behind her, puts her tail at half mast and trots on. i listen, but here nothing brining up her rear.
suddenly the lovely sounds of those leaves began crunching in the direction she just came from. he appears over the ridge nose buried in the leaves and moving quick. affraid he is going to cross my walk-in path he goes right over it and it never phases him. he is at this time at 40 yards and closing fast. i draw my bow and stop him with a mouth grunt at 20 yards, brodside. no time to think i release the arrow and connect with a beautiful shot or so i thought, and he bolts for about 50 yards and stops just before dropping over the ridge top. he turns looks in my direction, i pulled up my binos and made sure the shot was true and sure enough directly behind his right shoulder was a whole with a sustantial amount of blood pooring from his side. i watched in amazement, expecting him to fall at any moment when he puts his nose back to the ground and walks over the edge of the ridge. i immedietly called my BIL and 20 minutes later he met me at the 4 wheeler.
i ran the whole story by him. we started in the woods over to where the shot was made and found great blood right off the bat, as we neared the edge of the ridge we both expected to look over and see the giant piled up in the green briar that we knew was located there. lo and behold we look over the edge and he is standing on the shelf below about 60 yards away. he looks in our direction and we hunker down hoping he didn't see us. i give it about 20 seconds and i look up again only to see him walk off and on down the hill. i played the shot back to him and told him this is 100% kill i know i hit him good i saw the whole, for he is not so sure i hit him well due to buck fever.
i decide to track him a little further, thinking and knowing in my mind that the shot was perfect and he should have already died. i walk down on the shelf he was standing on and found a place where he had bedded. still good blood all the way to this spot and in the bed 2 good puddles of blood and estimated 9 inches apart. i follow the blood to the edge of the shelf and we jumped him from another bed and i watched him run off deeper into the hollar. feeling really sick at this time, we pull out and let it settle 'til this evening, and let me get a little bit of sleep.
i get up at 4 in the afternoon, pumped beyond all belief, thinking he is for sure down by now. i grab my bow and head over to pick up my BIL. we tacked blood from the last spot for about 400 yards and about 250 of that we found good blood but no beds. soon we split up about an hour before dark. suddenly i get a hollar from my BIL. pumped i hollar back and say tell me you found him. he said i did somewhat, get over here. he had jumped him from his bed and got a great look at him as he was running off, and guys he even said that the shot could have not been better placed. blown away by this i inspect the bed and find the same 2 spots, although not as much but still 9 inches apart, but find half my arrow with the broadhead. then i start paying more attention to the hair, it's all gray, then i look at the broadhead. i shoot a 3 blade muzzy and 2 of them are bent severely. i quickly start to become very sick. thinking maybe some how the arrow was deflected just beneath the skin. so we decide maybe we should back out and give him 'til in the morning since he appears to be going well.
i need some of your help and knowlege on this one guys. i have never wanted a whitetail more in my life. the only conclusion i can come to, since the shot was perfectly placed on entry, is tah just as it passed through the hide it caught a rib and deflected enough downward to miss the lungs, yet still come out just above the white hair on the belly. i have looked at numerous vitals pictures and from the looks of it, it's possible for this to happen, yet almost unlikely. i have been tore up since and it's eating at me like crazy. HELP
for those of you who are not familiar with BRUTUS, he is a buck that i have been after for 2 years. last year i chalked up countless hours in the stand with only one sighting during muzzleloading season. although i haven't had much time this year to hunt him and no sightings during summer, i knew he still existed and he was what i was after until a certain point in the season. last year he had a spread of probably 30 inches and 12-13 inch G2's and G3's and good mass. his measurements appear to be the same to last year but with a little wider spread, atleast it appears that way. he has to be in someway dierectly related to this guy