Anyone ever use them? If so, how did they fly? I just picked up a pack for turkey hunting since they were $15 off at Cabelas. My buddy has shot over 30 birds with them without losing one so I thought what the heck. Just wondering.....
Never shot them, have always shot the hammerhead which is half of that broadhead. Probably not much help from me but the hammerheads get it done so I would guess that nasty thing will do the job.
I have always used Hammerheads as well and will have 3 of them in the quiver. I was hoping the bigger cut will keep the arrow in the bird. I lost a bird last year with the hammerheads that I am still stumped about.
I've looked at them too but haven't tried them yet. Another Hammerhead shooter here although I have some hunting buds that swear by the Gobbler Getters. I'd almost wonder about dulling the point on the buck blaster, am I nuts? FWIW I do that to my Hammerheads.
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