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Buck Roar

Two weekends ago, didn't come charging in, but I had two 6 pointers that switched direction to check it out.
Opening weekend Sept. 14th MN. Grunted him in from 70yds. Didn't do the actual drawn out "roar" but a few light grunts brought him in.

Snort Wheezed this buck in October 26th of 2007 with the same call.

The buck I called in grunted first from the ridge behind my stand. I couldn't see him, but I gave two soft grunts back and he came right in. If he was a shooter I would be tagged out already.
I have used mine last two seasons. Blind never got any response. Used on one two yr old I saw. He stopped but would not come. Used on yearling type passing by for fun he came in. as of yet,,not impressed. I do think where you hunt has alot to do with all these techniques. If bucks are calm,,not much suspicious, they work better. If area is heavy hunted,lots of disturbances,,bucks wary.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: deeraddict</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are you Blind calling with it or waiting untill you see the buck? </div></div>

Ill probably be blind calling. Im going to keep off the main chunk of land until the corn gets picked.

So from all the responses, you guys havent been hard grunting yet with the roar and wheeze. just a few grunts here and there?
I did everything but throw the kitchen sink at them this morning. All blind. Grunted,roared,light and hard rattlin and some doe bleats for good measures. 3 hours in the stand and didn't see a deer. Noticed there's a boat load of tree's that could be thinned out.
Except for the buck I saw driving to the timber about 600 yards away.
I was curious about the blind calling issue. I have read that you should not call too much and that to much blind calling out of the prime times coming into, during and right after the rut may "educate" the bucks. I have never done any grunt calling or rattling this early in the season but was really intrigued that some have had some luck with it this year already. I was out Thursday night and tried some blind calling with soft grunts. Nothing for me. I think I may wait until closer to Halloween to start hitting the grunts, that has been the time of year I have noticed the most responses.
I've had good success with very light rattling, in very short periods. The only thing that seems to really come looking is younger bucks, 2 1/2 year olds and under.
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