Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bucks everywhere


New Member
I don't usually see a lot of bucks at a time in my areas - tonight sure was different. I went to a new area where I had put up 3 stands awhile back. Because of the wind direction, I decided to hunt from the ground, and set up in a point of timber that poked out into a recently picked cornfield. Before long, a 1 year old 4-point fed out into the field and went by me at 10 yards. That was fun, and a few minutes later, another buck just like him came by and did the same thing. However, on this guy, I noticed that his left antler was growing down instead of up. Looks like it may have got bumped when it was growing.

I'm pretty happy at this point, because this is my first time out bowhunting this fall. I had been taking CamoKid out for youth season through last Sunday. Anyway, a few minutes after the 2nd buck, 2 does go blasting by me, and there was a decent 8-pointer chasing them and grunting. They got out in the field and looked back to the east. There he was . . .a very nice looking 9 pointer with a large, large body. He just sort of sauntered out into the field. I'm not great on scoring, but I'm confident he would score in the 150's. One of the first two bucks showed up again, and the 3 of them start moving does around the field. Next thing I know, there is a doe 5 yards away from me, and closing in. She saw me, and I didn't want her to snort, so I sort of lunged at her, and she bolted off. That drew the other 3 bucks in, and I had the little guy at 8 yards, the 8-pointer at 10 yards, and the big feller behind them at 15 yards. I couldn't draw, because the two smaller bucks were looking in my direction. This lasted for over 5 minutes . . . I thought I was gonna die. Finally, they moved off a few yards, and the two larger deer started sparring. I was eventually able to sneak out the back side without spooking them. This night was entirely too much fun. Too bad I won't be back out til Friday. Wonder if it can get more exciting than that...
Send some of those bucks over to Mahaska county would you?

I have only saw one buck this year, hes in the freezer

Seriously, one early Nov morning about 5 years ago or so, I was on the stand, it was about 25* but the wind was clam. I was pretty cold, and had been there for about an hour and a half. I noticed movement about 75 yards out. A little buck was in the picture. The next thing I knew, I had 9 little bucks all basket racks or smaller milling around, just out of range. I told myself if the biggest one of them, happens to get close enough, I'm going to let him have it.
Well, he was the ONLY one that came close enough. I took him home with me.

I was astonished to have 9 bucks - no does- there all at one time. Kinda weird.
From my tree, all I've been seeing is bucks, but nothing that I would shoot. My husband, however, filled two doe tags last Sunday with his bow. I was nice and let him hunt out of one of my stands (LOL). He said there were does everyday and I had just the opposite -- little bucks. The biggest one probably scored 130, but as they say.....let them go so they can grow!
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