Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Buckscore pro


has anyone else tried this software,seems really hit or miss.Just wondering if anyone else was stupid enough to buy it besides me & what they think of it.
I have and had some of the same inconsistencies. I contacted the website and the guy who created it took good care of me. He went ahead and scored them for me. He did say it took practice though and I have not messed with it this year. Good luck. I know it takes a lot of time but it will get you close but not better than if you are a custom to being able to look at a deer and guess yourself. Never truly know til you get a tape measure on him after you kill him.

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Yeah I thought it would be neat to see how it worked.It highly depends on the angle of the pic i noticed.
Same for me here guys. Hit and miss. I have scored trail pictures of deer I have killed and scored, and they are typically either too high or low. But it is fun to mess with and for 10 bucks it's worth it : )
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