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Buffalo Police kill deer.....


Shed Head!!!
I can't believe they were firing their guns in the city..... They act like the deer will hop in your car and kick your A$$..... Idiots, COMPLETE FREAKIN IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!

Bufflo Police Kill deer
That video is unbelievable......how can they think that was necassary? With the pathetic attempt at shooting these deer I think they can have Iowa's Sharpshooters. We don't need them.
I think that was bulls**t! What were they thinking? If they would've left them alone those deer would've made there way out of town. I think that was just a pathetic excuse for those officers to shoot something.
If this was a "judgement call", I'd hate to have one of these officers stopping me for 5 mph over the speed limit.

I have to agree, this one's a bad call. The officer's rounds from the police shotgun ( I don't know if it was slugs or 00 buck) are a far more threat then two deer eating from someone's garden.

oh my god...these officers are freakin nuts....notice that two of the shots were at running deer....i dont think he even hit the one that was standing still BROADSIDE....how did he know it was safe to shoot...there was a house in the background...what about a tranq gun...much safer...i would fire the officer who shot
Thats funny, I used to get the Buffalo news and that incedent does not surprise me. those city slickers put black bear sightings on the head news, put people almost in a state emergencies to have children off the streets cuase a bear was suspected black bear sightings, now you might understand why my cousins hunt with tripods and automatics along with other weapons for deer, there senseless in thier own meaning I call them the mafia "mobsters"... These police should have been thinking unstead of acting right away but they got the job done safely. Soi they did thier job..
I almost got to witness a similar thing in Ames when I lived there. I was working for the city for the summer when a call came over the radio that the police were chasing a steer across town that had escaped from the Vet Lab. Of course I had to drop everything to see this. I found the circus heading towards Lincoln Way, the busiest street in town. There were countless cops and other vehicles driving in circles trying to keep the animal out of traffic. Then I see some moron stop his patrol car and take rest on his window, pistol in hand. I about crapped, people everywhere and this guy wanted to start shooting. I picked up a guy running down the street who said he was from the vet school. We circled around in front of the crowd and cornered the steer behind a garage. He went around one way and I the other. Luckily I worked cattle for 5 years, so when the now very tired and lost steer came around the corner I bull dogged it to the ground. Made for a hell of a story back at the shop. Just glad they didn't try a shoot it.
probably one of the ames police officer who was a little HAPPY with his pepper spray during veishea this year....if ya know what i mean
We had one similar this past week in the Kansas City area. A Kansas City Missouri Police officer used a taser gun on a 70 year old lady..... She had no weapons, was just acting up....

I know that there are always a few bad apples, however, it is VERY evident that the herd needs to be culled.... If ya know what I mean!!!!

I'm confused, as usual, what kind of damaged did they think they could do to a deer with a riot shotgun?? My cheap 'puter doesn't show the video good enough to tell did they hit/kill the deer??
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