Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bullseye feathers on eBay or blazervane.com DO NOT BUY


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that this guy is an absolute sleeve bag and will rip you off on purchases. Wish I would have read all his feedback on eay and reviews on archerytalk before purchasing but hopefully I can keep someone else from getting ripped off.

Long story short, no one in my area sells gold tip pros or does so prefletced and I wanted some custom colors. Long story short I ordered, got the wrong ties, returned the per agreement with this guy and when he gets my FedEx shipment was the box is empty. I usually give people the benefit of he doubt but something seemed fishy here. Did a little digging and this guy constantly pulls this scam ad blames it on the shipping agency. lots of other issues listed on ebay and archerytalk so please beware of this POS

DO NOT bUY from this guy and spread the word.

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