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Bunch of pics


Active Member
Been running the moultrie along a food source and the vman about 3/4 of a mile away trying to decifer which bucksare coming from where.
He's coming a long ways to the food source, good to know.


What's up with this guy's brisket?

Decent looking 3 1/2, hope he makes another couple years.


Another 3 1/2....will likely never be a big scorer, like the color of his coat and antlers though.

I get one of these for every 15 deer pics. Any deer left overnight,...carcass easily.

I'm starting to think I know the drop tine buck from last yr, pretty sure of it anyways but the drops threw me. At least I now have abetter idea of where he spends his days.
I think the screwy looking briskit could be explained as "man boobs" only on a deer.
Another one of Drop tine at the fence crossing. Looks like an antler sniffing the ground to his right as well.

And the sheds that may be his. There was a busted abnormal off the left brow. notice the stickers on the right side. Found close to where he's being photogenic. What do you think?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think the screwy looking briskit could be explained as "man boobs" only on a deer. </div></div>

dont be a hater!

great pix Kaare!

That big droptine deer is sure a great looking buck. Very interesting rack, beautiful animal. Thanks! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


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