Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bushnel Imageview


Active Member
I know there were previous posts about these but I thought I'd post a photo taken today with mine.

This photo was taken with the 8x30, 1.3 mp. The geese were about 300 yds away. The hardest part I have with these camera/binoculars is holding them level.
ive been looking at getting one but my father in law says they dont take good pictures (his anyways)looks like a good picture with yours where did you get it at and what was the price??he told me with his you have to be just about on top of something to take a good picture...
We sell them at work for 109.99 (Cabelas)
I should also mention that without a steady rest they are about impossible to hold steady for a clear photo.
Of course I'm an old fart and shake a lot.
I'm not sure which one's I used. (they were a buddy's) But if your not steady they won't take the greatest pictures. Pretty fun to play around with. I believe his were $60 - $80.
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