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Calling your legislative rep


Here are a few pointers to bring out when talking to your legislative rep:

1. Ask them to limit non-residents
2. Allow the DNR's current measures time to work
3. Find ways to create more access for hunters

The problem we have is gaining access to places to hunt. The DNR is having problems managing doe populations becuase more land is being leased and bought up.

This is not meant to alienate anyone. This is what I am going to call my legislative rep with today.

I spoke with Mary Lou Freeman today on the phone. She is head of the Natural Resourse Committee. We had a very nice civil 1/2 hour conversation about the issues that we face in the near future. A number for her is 515-281-3221. Here is some feed back that I got from her:

There are 32 counties that did not fill their tag quota's from last year. This is most likely due to ground being tied up, by a number of different people not just NR's! We talked about outfitters being placed under rules and regulations, and possibly having to be licensed. We do not want to get into a situation like Illinois or Arizona so we would have to be careful. In her opinion, she does not think the NR tag issue will move at all this year. This does not mean that you should give up on calling and emailing them with you thoughts. Mary also mentioned that she would like to see more special deer zones across that state. She would like to somehow figure out how much ground in the state is being used for hunting, ex. resident,non resident,public,special zone etc... I strongly urge you to call her immediatly and voice your opinion. This is going to be a very important session for us, we need to stand up and be heard. It's time for us residents to stand up and belly up to the plate to help preserve what is ours for our future kids and grandkids! Please make sure to thank her and be very polite!
Well done supertech! It is easy to gripe but get little accomplished. What you have demonstrated is how easy it is to effectively take action and really get something accomplished. Thanks for the report and for getting involved!

Old buck
She would like to somehow figure out how much ground in the state is being used for hunting, ex. resident,non resident,public,special zone etc...

[/ QUOTE ] I answered a very similar landowner survey for ISU last year for woodlot owners or some similar title. Someone was talking about numbers like this in a thread a little while ago.
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