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Camera/card question

I bought one of the $70 Moultrie D-50 cameras at Bass Pro and I was wondering if I could use an SD card on the new camera that was previously used on another D-50 camera without messing something up with the card or camera. This may be a stupid question but I have had problems with Cuddeback cameras after using a compact flash card on one camera then using it on another. Maybe SD cards are a different story. Thanks.
Each brand of camera places their own file of software on the card when you put them in. This why when you view pics with a Cuddeback the file is called Cudde100 (something like that) and Moutrie is DCIM and so on.

It is best to format the card each time you erase the pics. All you have to do is locate the card in your list of drives (in "My Computer") and right mouse click to select format. This erases everything off the card and will take care of any past problems you have had.

Good luck.
I use my wife's mac (apple) and I haven't been able to format my cards with it. I used my parents PC to format my card and have had no other problems. I don't like my wife's mac for use with my trail cams and their pictures.
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