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Camera took a dirt nap..


Active Member
Or mud nap that is.
I had my trail cam set up on the edge of our foodplot facing the trail leading into the plot. It had been two weeks since I checked it, so I decided I would pull the card on my way to stand over the weekend. When I got there, I was surprised to see no trail cam. Not only that, no fence post that it was attached too. Upon closer inspection, I found the trail still attached to the fencepost face down in the furrow full of water and mud. I dried out the camera & card. Not sure if the camera is salvageable. I've tried to check the card, but my camera is giving me a message stating the card needs reformatted. Well, that would be nice, but in order to do that, I would have to erase the memory. Any suggestions on how to retrieve the pics it did take? I have a feeling either a deer ran into really hard or a buck got mad and rubbed the post right out of the ground.
Do you have a memory card reader, or one built in to your computer at home?

I would suggest trying to get them off of the card that way.

I always pull my cards and read them on my computers built in card reader.

I have never tried reading the card right off of the camera before.

I always save them on the computer and then re-format the card each time I pull the cards.

Not sure if you have access to one, but that would be my idea.
I uploaded that software. It just didnt' do anything.
That, and a couple times it froze up my computer with writing in german and I had to reboot
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