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Can deer smell scent attractant if it's frozen?


New Member
I'm hunting up here in Minnesota where it was only about 5 degrees during my hunt this evening. I put out my decoy and placecd estrus scent strategically but the scent wicks were frozen as hard as rock and I am curious if anyone knows if deer can still smell that just as good? I feel like I'm wasting my time and money using scent if it's just going to freeze up. Thanks for any input.
Take and wrap one of the air activated hand warmers around the canister and rubber band in place to keep the scent aroma flowing good. It has worked for me in the past without harmfull results.
What Shredder said. I've put the scent (gel) right on the handwarmers and that works too if you dont get the handwarmer too wet.

Personally, I havent ever had any luck with scent, usually I just use something basic like Tink's 69 this time of year and the deer always seem to ingore it except for the occasional doe that gets spooky from it for some reason. Usually a buck walks right by it like it wasn't even there.
For some reason though, I always seem to waste $10 every year and try it again, I must be a slow learner.
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