Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cape Storage


Premium Platinum Member
Guys, I have the cape/head in my garage from the buck I shot last night and wont be able to take to the taxi until Wednesday. I dont have room in the Freezer. how would you store it? Im mainly worried about flys. Will it be okay sitting till then?
i would guess it would be ok as long as its not in the sun, but maby call your taxi shop and ask them??
Get it on some ice asap. I do a little taxidermy work and with these temps it wont take long for the hair to start slipping.
mine wouldn't fit in mine last year. i put it in a big rubbermaid tote. need lots of ice, it was only in the 50's that day and the ice did melt pretty fast. i we through over 100 pounds of ice in 24 hours.went out and bought a huge freezer right after. also could ask somebody who may know a little bit about skinning to help finish it out. of course you should call taxidermist first.
I would figure out a way get to taxi. or freeze it. Last resort wrap in heavy garbage bag to keep from getting wet and keep on ice. Wrap blankets around cooler to help preserve the ice. You are going to need a big cooler if you expect to close it.

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Find a freezer. Could be the difference in getting a good mount or having to go euro. Tried the ice thing and like others had problems keeping enough on it. I waited longer than you will but I went with an antler mount cause the cape was in rough shape.
Don't get Ty baby wet, very ad for it. If you put it on ice put it in a container ad put container on ice so it doesn't get wet.
Good choice...taxi or freezer, with near 80 degrees today you needed to do something asap. Congrats again on a great buck :way:

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