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Carp Huntin'



...shot my first carp with a bow this last Tuesday - pretty fun...I am still new to this bowhunting stuff and curious what kind of set-up you guys use to carp hunt...I was using my regular hunting bow with a borrowed fishing arrow tied to my stabilizer - a pain in the butt!...thanks for the info...
I've been carp hunting for awhile now and I don't use my regular hunting bow for fear that I will drop it into the water, or get to much dirt and sand in it. I use one of my older bows. I also have a bow fishing reel, that you can buy out of Cabela's or they sell them at Farm & Home in my town. The one that I bought was 65$. It's not cheap but it works a lot better then reeling it in by hand. I also have sighted my bow in for the bow-fishing arrows, because the bowfishing arrows are much, much heavier.
The bow fishing arrows are much heavier. When I used my compound I had to be careful because it was very hard on my rest. I have since bought a recurve. It doesn't have as much force and I can draw and shoot much faster. My arrows don't get stuck in the bottom as easy now. I use a cheaper plastic spool that screws into the stabalizers place. You have to wind by hand, but gets the job done. Good luck.

This is a picture of my fishing bow set up. I changed my reel since this picture was taken. I use a Shakespeare Synergy Steel reel now and my husband uses a Zebco 888 reel. We like to go out onto the Missouri River and shoot Big Head Carp which can be anywhere from 25 lbs. to 75 lbs. and taste great.
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