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Central Iowa Hunter Killed

JC Walker

New Member
Wife's mother just called to tell us a family friend from St. Charles area was found dead hanging from the tree he was in. Not sure of all the details but it sounds like it could of been a mishap with the safty harness. That's only a guess on my part. Since this info is new I will not release his name. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!
We all must be careful.

That is very unfortunate.

Condolences to you and your family and his family.
Thoughts and prayers to the family. I am truely sorry and hope we could all learn from this. You never know what could happen. Just goes to prove that even a safety harness should not be counted on as full proof.
He was a friend of my wife's father. I didn't know him but knew of him. His name is Scott and he worked at Quality Ford for many years.
Well, that doesn't sound like any of the guys I've hunted with, but that sure sucks for those who knew and loved him. My prayers go out to them.

Scott was putting on his harness when his stand fell out from under him. Neighbor heard him yell and then investigated after a short time passed but it was too late. He was found hanging from his harness. Family and friends are taking it pretty hard as you can imagine.
Just from some of the stories I have heard of people messing with others stands I check my staps before I get in my stand everytime now. I'm not saying that was the cause of this accident but you can never be too careful these days.
That's a real tragedy. In addition, at church today, a fellow hunter told me that he lost an old high-school buddy who fell out of a stand last night.

Update to my post - after receiving a little more info, I believe this was actually the same person. I am praying for his wife and children now, as this is a horrible thing for a family to endure.

Terrible accident, my thoughts are with the family.

This guy use to live down were i hunt and hunted the timber adjacent to what i have and it has hit my farmer pretty hard

he was like said got caught in his saftey harness and sufficated from it somehow and they found him last night

He had 2 sons and just recently bought some land in winterset he built a pond on to begin hunting
thats pretty much the info the farmer told me today
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fatboy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thoughts and prayers sent to the family.

That is horribly sad!
I knew Scott. He was a dedicated hunter and loved to share his stories and deer pictures. He had a worn envelope full of pictures he kept in his truck. He will be missed greatly! Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this horrible time of need.
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