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Cheap Lone Wolf tip


Active Member
I'm a relative newbie with the LW, so somebody may have posted this before, but here is my cheasy LW tip:
I noticed that when I carried the stand w/o sticks the seat was free to bounce a little on the platform and make noise. I had some adhesive back 1/8" foam from the wal-mart craft dept that I use for silencing risers, etc. I looked at the stand in the folded up position and noticed all the points of contact between the seat and platform and covered all those with the foam (on the bottom of the seat). Easy as that, noise free. This also cured the accidental "tinging" sounds I made when trying to hang the stand and the seat/platfom made contact. I put some on the platform where the footrests contact it and that ended any noise there too. Even covered the strap buckle as best I could.
I may have to redo it in a year or two but I was pretty happy with the improvement in silence for 50 cents.
I did about the same on the bottom of the seat with a piece of carpet that was laying around...
Heck deadeye, I didnt even think of zip-tying some thin carpet to the bottom of the seat. Thats even better!
Now that I think about it I have some old rubber from a truck bed mat that might work perfect.
How about using the spray on bedliner/undercarraige stuff the sell at walmart. It's still fairly cheap. Heck you could probably spray the entire stand and it would help silence and rust proof.
Man, I just use the belt like it comes out of the box and haven't had any issues. Are you guys using the belt that you put on the versa button around the platform in a v shape? Shouldn't be able to move...
Limb I agree with you on this one, I just strap everything down tight with the belt and no noise.
I split a piece of hose and put in on the end of the stand where the seat touches the platform. I've never had a problem with any movement, just a precaution.

One thing I did do, in my normally overboard fashion, was I ordered 4 versa buttons and put them on the outside of my stand. 2 across from each other at the top and 2 at the lower end. Then when I'm hooking my straps on I just hook the strap ends over the Versa buttons and it's much easier than wrapping it around. I've noticed on some of the older stands that there are hooks on the stand that you can strap to. My stand didn't have any hooks to use. Wonder why they quit putting them on???
Thanks Rudd, I've been around, working mostly, though I did get to IA to bowhunt this past fall.
Limb- I'm not sure what you mean by putting the strap around the platform in a V shape, but I wrap it around the platform the way it was when I pulled it out of the box. Depending on how the buckle lays it can bounce some when I walk causing a slight rattle against the platform. I mainly was using the foam to stop noise from accidental contact between seat and platform when packing or hanging the stand. I did the buckle as an afterthought to dampen noise if I hit it against something while hanging it in the dark (which usually happens).

Boacephas- The cheapie wal-mart spray bedliner is not very tough. However, if you knew somebody who was having their truck done with Line-X or Rhino Lining you could probably get the whole stand done pretty cheap since they already had the spray gun out.
You can also buy the rubber stuff you heat up to coat tool handles like pliers. Would be pretty easy to heat up a can of that stuff in an old cake pan or something large enough to fit the seat into. It would only need to be a 1/4" deep or so to coat the bottom surface. I might play around with that if I can locate some. I dont Think I would do the platform though as it might be slippery when wet.
I have used the rubber tool dip(brushed on)at the contact points. I also used it on the bow holder instead of buying another LW Lone Wolf bow holder gasket.
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