Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Check it out - If Only...


PMA Member
Hey guys/gals

Just thought I'd drop a note to have you check out our new trailer/video this year. It was our most successful season yet as we took down 14 bucks and numerous does on video. But somehow, you still have that feeling of "If Only" as the really big ones always seem to get away each year...nonetheless, we are very thankful for the deer provided to us this year.

I talked to OneCam and he told me to post up the trailer and video - so thanks Chris. We will be at the classic so feel free to stop by and say hi. We really feel we have a video that all hunters can enjoy, appreciate, and take life lessons away from.

Our goal is NEVER money, but to provide a means to enjoy deer hunting and help make peoples' lives better....and I think there are a lot of life lessons to take away from this video...

We hope you enjoy - check it out and let us know what you think...after all, it is for you. :way:


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