Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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This was over on Old Gobbler. Awesome looking bird would love to see one like this. Congrats to the hunter.



Liv4Rut said:
I think I would have to get a full body mount of that one. That is cool.

Guy said he wasn't. Didn't want a circus critter in his house.

Mobile Cooter using IW
I called this bird in for my old man last spring. Came in with 3 other gobblers, thundering his head off. Only had a 7 inch beard and no spurs, but is one of the most beautiful birds I have ever seen. He did a full body mount :way:

Any pix of the mount Dedgeez? That is a beauty.

Couple lighter color birds in my area but they seem to be all hens.

that is cool!
looks like maybe a domestic turkey got loose at some point and did some breeding.
I used to deer hunt a farm that had several of those color of wild turkeys all over it (even some white wild ones). The farmer said that a few years back several of his domestic turkeys got out and were breeding with the wild turkeys. He wouldn't let me hunt turkeys because he liked watching them. I lost that farm to a lease but it was always interesting to see them while bowhunting.
Wow, those are some cool birds.

I have an albino hen where I hunt....know where she roosts every night in the fall - pure white but every feather has black tips....one of the most beautiful animals I've seen. thanks for sharing!

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