Well-Known Member
May be cool but I got 3 chigger bites planting trees, so they are up and at it. They usually come out a bit later after the ticks, kinda early I think. Some people I know are not bothered by them. They don't like their skin taste I guess. They sure love me. I put on every, store bought repellent,,Home remedy,,there is. They still manage to find a spot I missed. They actually are Micro-small Ticks. They do not suck your blood However/ They just disolve your top layers of skin. The resulting irritant, from their saliva,, drive your skin crazy. They are creations from the Bottomless Pit,,in my estimation. Never heard of them up North, where I came from. Ticks I can deal with. You can usually see them. Chiggers, unseen, sneaky, and get down to business quickly. Itch for weeks. Best relief,,scrub with warm water and Baking Soda, followed by Benedril spray or lotion.