Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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May be cool but I got 3 chigger bites planting trees, so they are up and at it. They usually come out a bit later after the ticks, kinda early I think. Some people I know are not bothered by them. They don't like their skin taste I guess. They sure love me. I put on every, store bought repellent,,Home remedy,,there is. They still manage to find a spot I missed. They actually are Micro-small Ticks. They do not suck your blood However/ They just disolve your top layers of skin. The resulting irritant, from their saliva,, drive your skin crazy. They are creations from the Bottomless Pit,,in my estimation. Never heard of them up North, where I came from. Ticks I can deal with. You can usually see them. Chiggers, unseen, sneaky, and get down to business quickly. Itch for weeks. Best relief,,scrub with warm water and Baking Soda, followed by Benedril spray or lotion.
Man that is early, especially with cool weather. I have seen a Good deal of small ticks, likely deer ticks, although I need to read up on whether all "micro" ticks are "deer" ticks.

If You can see them...they aren't chiggers.....because You can't see the Devil!
A friendly message to the "young bucks" on IW

Regarding chiggers, ticks and poison ivy...a little tip from an old guy, who used to be a young guy like some of you are now. :D

20-30 years ago I could sit in poison ivy and not be affected by it too much and I never worried about ticks and I don't think I even knew what a chigger was. If you are like me though, your body will not be the "impervious rock" in your forties that it is now in your twenties. (Yeah, I wouldn't have believed it either when I was in my early 20's. :D But things happen, things happen. :D)

For some people though, continued exposure to poision ivy over the years reduces their resistance to it and what you got away with at 20, could lead to a serious health problem and land you in the hospital at 45, no joke. Do yourself a favor, form good habits now in terms of protecting yourself and your skin from these blood suckers, you'll be glad you did later.

Wear sturdy boots, long sleeve T-shirts and gloves; spray your outer layer of clothing with a permetherin based product and spray your body with something like Avon's Skin So Soft or Off. Spray the permetherin on your clothes outdoors and let it dry for a few minutes first, not indoors while you are wearing it! :grin: Use duct tape around the hemline of your pants legs too to seal them off.

Some people still think ticks frop from the trees and land on you, truly, they really are more prevalent in grass or brush and will crawl up your body before finding a place they will attach. I know this may sound elementary to some, but I hate to read about someone really suffering from some of these pests.
I have done all the afore mentioned preventatives, even wear thigh high hip boots, skin so soft,Absorbene Junior, and the P-spray. They still get me, not as many bites ,but some. I worked with a guy, 75 yrs old. He Worked all summer in the brush and tall grass wearing shorts! Never a bite! He said he was too ornery to be tasty...
Spray your socks, inside of pants, outside of pants and shoes/boots (all while not wearing them and let dry for 12-24 hours) with PERMATHRIN!!!!!!!!!! It's the bomb!!! Can find at anywhere from Sportsmans warehouse, often wal-mart, online, etc. As a back-up, put Skin-so-soft or bug spray on skin BUT nothing compares to the Permathrin. It's a no-brainer!!!


As far as making your own with yard spray with P,,in it. I was reading info on keeping ticks off and article said stick with spray that was made to stick to clothing ,,for clothing,,and spray for plants for plants. Adherent qualities were different for both. This may or maynot be true, but it makes sense. Also read, best defense was deet product on skin and P product on clothes.
I just ordered a quart of Permethrin that's 30% concentrate!!! I'll do my calculations later on how to mix (2.5% concentrate is 5 to 1 - water/permethrin) BUT that 30% should make GALLONS of spray, GALLONS will likely last me YEARS, it was $35 for all of that and I was spending that on a few aerosol cans a couple years back, bet I went through 5-10 cans per year. Go to Amazon and type in PERMETHRIN, check out all the concentrated options. Stuff is AMAZING on ticks, chiggers, mosquitoes, etc- no comparison!
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