Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Classic Notes

The 2005 Iowa Deer Classic is the weekend of March 4 so you can plan ahead for next year.

We had 33 Boone and Crockett deer entered at this years Classic.

If anyone has any questions about the measuring end of the Classic I'll try to provide any info that I have.

who does a person contact in order to volunteer to help out at the classic, be it in the measureing room or just in general??
are you really sure you would be able to work that in to your busy schedule of running all over the place and playing "i'm the famous muddy" and "wanna buy my autograph?"
I think they should have Muddy greeting people at the front door, doing whatever Farley is doing in Teeroy's pic.
Muddy, you already volunteered to work the IBA booth next year, while were at the banquet with chuck. hahaha
Muddy, you already volunteered to run the IBA booth at the classic next year, while were at the banquet with chuck.
I was told the score sheet from my deer will be mailed to me.... do you know hoe long it will take to get?
40SW Was your deer a bowkill and if it was did you enter it in P&Y? If you did you'll probably get a copy of the score sheet with you certificate. PM me in a couple weeks if you don't get it and I'll try to help you out.


Bow N/T 253 1/8 Brian Andrews
Bow Typ 182 1/8 Harvey Kuhns
Shotgun N/T 230 0/8 Marcus Green
Shotgun Typ 186 4/8 Mark Liebe
Handgun N/T 166 1/8 Cory Gooselink
Handgun Typ 151 0/8 Gene Crawford
Historical N/T 191 6/8 Jeremiah Grooms
Historical Typ 187 1/8 Mike Feehan
Muzzldr N/T 204 2/8 Donald H. Mason
Muzzldr Typ 167 3/8 Larry Vander Linden
Youth N/T 205 6/8 Brandon Williams
Youth Typ 174 1/8 Mike Piper

Why is the deer that won Historical the same as the one that won shotgun in 2002? I thought it was only for ones that had never been entered before.
My deer was entered in the handgun division and was not a B&C qualifier..... Will I still get it? Thanks for any info
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