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Clear Lake Report


Active Member
I went up to Clear last Thursday to try and fill the freezer with Yellow Bass fillets. Turned out to be a good decision as they were on fire.

I ended up catching them all out from the ventura boat ramp right up next to the reeds. Caught a lot of them on a 2 inch white swim bait. After getting sick of fighting the wind I ended up anchoring and throwing a minnow under a slip bobber did just as well. Ended up bringing close to 50 home. Caught all of them in less than 2 hours.

Give it a shot if you are in the area. It was fast action and the most fun fishing I have had in a while.

Good Luck
good stuff, maybe the muskies are eating too!

get any pix??

Muskies were in the back of mind every time I was pulling one of those little buggers up to the boat. I was waiting for one to take a swipe at a yellow and scare the crap out of me.:eek:

Yellow bass is one of the few Iowa species I've never landed, let alone ate. How are they to eat?

Great work, btw! Must be really similar to striper/wiper fishing... When they're on, they're on.
They are similar to white bass with regards to the feed frenzy you can encounter. However they are 10x better eating than whites. I would say they are one of the best eating fish there is. They can really take over small bodies of water so they aren't a prized possession as far as the food chain goes in these bodies of water. I suppose Clear Lake is big enough and has enough predator fish to keep the yellow population in check.
There is yellow bass in Lake Geode. Near Burlington. I'll have to try catching some of them sometime. Never ate one.
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