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Clearing field question


Well-Known Member
I noticed in the video clip from Larry Zach's buck harvest that he mentioned the possibility of using a dog call or coyote call to clear the field adjacent to the box blind he was in the night he shot his big 7x6. Larry obviously did not need to engage that tactic since the shot was presented and successfully taken that night.

I have a set-up in a tree over looking one of three plots on a piece I hunt. The tree is the only one I could locate big enough for a stand. Bad thing is it is only about 8 yards off the edge of the timber. Separating the timber from the plot is a strip of hayground about another 10-15 yards wide (total of about 20-25 yards). Once down, I can drop into a cut and separate myself from the stand location fairly well. However, I am almost convinced I am going to get picked off trying to get down out of the treestand.

Anybody ever had any success utilizing predator calls as Larry suggested for the purpose of clearing fields so you can get out of a stand ?? Or any other ideas for that matter?? I know having someone drive into the area to clear the field works well but I don't want to impede on anybody's time in order to do that.

Great question.
I have used a coyote howler in the past to clear a field so I can exit without being spotted. Sometimes it works well other times the deer get a little skittish and then go right back to feeding. I would definitely like to hear others experiences with this.
I had never thought of this either but what a good idea. I am going to try it. Anyone else ever done this?
Deer don't care for coyotes much more than they do humans. Just a thought. Not sure clearing them with this technique has tons of upside, but who knows. I have done it and they snort and run of just the same.:grin:

That was one of the downsides that I was pondering. A hightened concern for coyotes may not be the best thing for the local herd to be thinking about.

Anyone else ??
I use a coyote howler on approx. 50% of my my evening hunts as I am usually on field edges. It doesn't always work as coyotes are common enough that unless they're ontop of you it is just something to be alarmed of.
I guess ultimately it may depend on the coyote population. If you're in an area where they're dealing with coyotes on a day to day basis they are not going to vacate the area if spooked by coyotes. If that were the case I wouldn't have a single deer on any of the properties I hunt.
Ive done it a a lot, howls and barks with my mouth. It works well in small fields not so much in the huge fields. A rabbit in distress will work well too. Just make sure you don't whack the yotes that come running in. In a big field they typically run a hundred to 200 yards and just watch. Small fields they usually leave.
Try to make the blowing sound that deer make to alarm other deer of danger. It works and they usually clear the feild
"Try to make the blowing sound that deer make to alarm other deer of danger. It works and they usually clear the feild"

Thanks for the alternative idea. That sounds like a common sense approach.
I've done the dog bark, as there is a lot of coyote hunting in my area but I've also carried pebbles in my pocket and thrown a few into the field. Both have worked and both have not worked.

Best of luck...
It really doesn't matter what you try.You will only clear the field a couple times and the deer will find a place where they can feed undisturbed.I just wait till they feed off a ways and try to back out slowly and quietly.
pepples and a wrist rocket will work if you can slap one.....blowing like a deer has worked for me in the past too. wouldnt reccomend doing it night after night from the same stand however.

either way clearing the field night after night cant have a good effect no matter how you do it in my opinion. Not like the deer speak to one another after blowing and running off to say: i saw a human, i heard a human, i heard another deer blow or i got smacked by a wrist rocket

used wisely and in small doses i believe all the solutions beat being busted as the intruding human
A truck, farm tractor, or 4-wheeler tend to work the best for me, although not always an option. If I have a friend who is hunting a different area, I usually just wait for him to come spook the deer off the field for me with a vehicle. This has worked really well for me in the past.
I bring in a pack of bottle rockets and roman candles. If that fails I bring out the 1000 pack of thunder bombs. :)
Ok- I like you guy's suggestions, I sure like having someone driving into field- I wait til they arrive and just sit their bored so I don't spook til someone drives in. Will check back on more thoughts of yours on coyote barks and dog bark.
i tend to use the snort method. seems like they run off and i have always read that they blow when they are spooked but dont really know what spooked them, corny as it sounds it has worked for me before. id do that over predator calls which may make them move out for a while...wanna see a deer leave town wuick up north? howl like a freakin wolf once....i guarantee you wont see them for a week
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