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Clinton County Mountain Lion

Best quote,

"If attacked, fight back vigorously with sharp objects and poke the eyes of the animal."
Best quote,

"If attacked, fight back vigorously with sharp objects and poke the eyes of the animal."

Well, duh, that's common sense! I mean, who in Iowa hasn't thought about the proper way to fight a mountain lion? From personal experience pulling on the right ear while 'fish hooking' the left side of their mouth works well. If you do this you can fend of any violent mountain lion attack.
I think thats pretty cool and I'm not suprised at all that one was been confirmed and with all the trail cameras out there now that one was finally caught on camera. But I do find it a little suprising that it was clear over on the far eastern side of the state.
It's prolly the one that was in IC last week.

I find curling up in a small ball and screming like a little girl fends off most mountain lion attacks. Oh wait, thats what I do when the Cubs lose. I guess I'd just raise my coat over my shoulders and kick him in the nads. But I do like the fishhook idea. Don't think I could deal with mountain lion slobber on my fingers though. Yuk.
I find curling up in a small ball and screming like a little girl fends off most mountain lion attacks. Oh wait, thats what I do when the Cubs lose

no wonder you have been so quiet on here. you have a hobby that is taking up ALL your time. your wife must love that. all that screaming should just about leave you voiceless
Who wouldn't love to shoot one with a bow from a tree stand? If you got that on your camera I am guessing the deer are pretty skittish if not in another county. I wonder how deer respond to mountain lion smell and urine?
The fishhook method is much more effective if used in the lion's mud whistle.... You will have his full attention! ;)
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