Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Cold Day Movement


New Member
Did anyone see anything today on this cold day? I was out for a short while this morning and saw a few really young bucks. Spike came within 6 yards of me and didn't show any concern, a 2-3 year old chasing a doe and really showed no concern for anything else around it. He was 35 yards and didn't stop any any sound I made. Other than that...nothing
Sounds like you had a good movement! I would be completely satisfied with that sit if it were me...My last 6 sits, I have seen 4 deer
I actually have been seeing more in the AM, but nothing that gets close enough. I wasn't too disappointed but I thought maybe they would be running around a little more today after yesterdays cold rain. Didn't know anyone had seen anything later in the morning. I was out 1st thing.
I saw about 10...but after 9 30 nothing... 10 30 I was out of there...guess who left his gloves at the truck..yup, this guy..haha
One buddy missed a big one 150-160, another shot a 168 and another shot a descent buck but don't know how big yet. All this morning.
Saw 7 buck 16 does. Two of the bucks breed does by my stand. They
moved from 6:55 am to 11:10 am.
Sat a funnel next to a crop field. Bedding 300 yards S and 250 yards N. One cruiser 2 yr old at 8:00 and one 3 yr old 13 pt following a doe at 8:45. Never got closer than 60 and the doe headed back where they came from - so did he.

Climbed down at 9:30 - had to get to work.
It is a little buck parade out here. Where are the grown ups? Have seen 5 drinks already. Nothing big yet. Great day to be in a tree.
I would be out tonight but dont have the right wind, had little bucks running all over the place chasing does. I assume most of the mature bucks are locked down with does.
It was quite the morning in SW WI on our farm. Saw 8 different bucks. Had a giant come in at 10:15 to 35 yards but didn't present a shot. He proceeded to go down a ravine and absolutely whoop up on a 3.5 yr old 8 pt I ha seen earlier. After that saw a buck that we have seen on camera that I a very old deer with one eye and a broken leg. Huge body, minimum of 5 1/2 yr old. Goofy rack. So I'd say they were rocking here mid morning.
you all no what im going to say,its the dirtyest word ever.WIND!!!!!!30+ deer dont move around my timber til at least 5;30 p.m.
Yesterday morning I was out in the rain and wind had two bucks moving that's it they came directly to me from down wind and I use no scent control didn't spook or anything. Evening hunt last night had 4 bucks in the field and 3 does. Had the three does and 150 class ten point come from downwind to 50 yards when one of the does ran from the buck into the CRP away from the stand the buck followed as the other two does continued towards me
It was quite the morning in SW WI on our farm. Saw 8 different bucks. Had a giant come in at 10:15 to 35 yards but didn't present a shot. He proceeded to go down a ravine and absolutely whoop up on a 3.5 yr old 8 pt I ha seen earlier. After that saw a buck that we have seen on camera that I a very old deer with one eye and a broken leg. Huge body, minimum of 5 1/2 yr old. Goofy rack. So I'd say they were rocking here mid morning.

Wisconsin... Deer are still moving that's good! Gun season has shut everything down in MN
Hardwood11 said:
Wisconsin... Deer are still moving that's good! Gun season has shut everything down in MN

Yeah I hear ya. We have a farm in west-central MN and can't stand the fact that the gun season is during the rut. TERRIBLE!!!! That is why we have a lease in WI...like to bowhunt those extra 2 weeks during the rut.
Needing some input on a big buck I've been after about thirty mins before dark he appears out in the field behind me with a doe I grunted an rattled both interested him just not enough to bring him in close to a shooting lane. Wondering if he will stay close to area long? Any input I'll take thanks.
Needing some input on a big buck I've been after about thirty mins before dark he appears out in the field behind me with a doe I grunted an rattled both interested him just not enough to bring him in close to a shooting lane. Wondering if he will stay close to area long? Any input I'll take thanks.

If he's with a hot doe, he likely won't leave her for anything. If the doe stays in the area, so will he. I'm not 100% sure how long a buck typically stays with a particular doe, but I'd guess he may be with her for a couple of days. Once he's done with her, who knows where he will head off to.
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